Questions tagged [sd-card]

SD (secure digital) Cards are a form of removable non-volatile storage used with cameras, phones, computers, GPS devices, etc. SD Cards come in multiple different form factors including a "mini" and "micro" form factor.

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Effectiveness of USB flash testing software

So I've just had an SD card ruined & while it's not very expensive, I'd rather have it last me a much, much longer time. As a precaution going forward now, I'd like to be able to detect right away ...
Tempus Nomen's user avatar
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Secure data transfer in the face of DMA attacks even on SD card v 7.0

I want to move data from an insecure host to a secure host, e.g. to update the software on a Ballot marking device, or move data back and forth between such hosts. But as we know, even common thumb ...
nealmcb's user avatar
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How could I encrypt an SD card to store data on it?

I have some data I'd like to carry with me in an encrypted form onto an SD card, so I (and only I) can access it easily from any OS (or at least Windows, OSX and Ubuntu). My idea was like: Two ...
Manchineel's user avatar