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15 votes
2 answers

Dealing with spam scripts as a shared hosting operator, with users who host mail externally

Assume the following setup; A shared hosting server, sharing a single IP with many small websites. A subset of the set of websites is sending e-mails. Some of those e-mails may be to their own ...
aphid's user avatar
  • 283
3 votes
1 answer

How to forward an specific FTP User to a Honeypot?

What I'm trying to do is to forward a specific FTP-User to a Honeypot, because the main server is for Shared Hosting and there's a lot of traffic, and I don't want to spend all the resources in ...
Felipe Leñero's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can the `system` function pose severe security threats on a shared hosting server?

I recently bought an account from a shared hosting company and I needed the php system function to be enabled for one of my projects. So I created a ticket and asked them to enable it. This is what ...
2hamed's user avatar
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