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Ways to detect CVE-2017-12419 intrusion

I have a free web server that was vulnerable to CVE-2017-12419 for quite a big window of time. After fixing the gap and changing the passwords, what are some ways to detect if the ...
Pacerier's user avatar
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Secure MySQL data on hosted 3rd part server

I have an application that stores sensitive PII and financial data, and is hosted on a 3rd party server (typical web host). Anything sensitive is encrypted as it goes into the database, and I have no ...
Hearth's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Using Old version of mysql connector's security issue [closed]

I'm using 4.0 and MySQL. Last week my hosting firm changed security level of from full to medium. MySQL connector doesn't work correctly anymore. For this reason I'm using old version of ADO....
dgn's user avatar
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MySQL database access prevention

I am doing a PHP website for a client who deals with third party financial information, and he is concerned about the developmers (me) having access to all the information, which is obviously a valid ...
Kobus Myburgh's user avatar