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3 answers

Can't inject meterpreter shellcode in c++ code

I want to inject meterpreter shellcode in a c++ program. When I create .exe file in msfvenom, I try it in my virtual machine (Windows 7) and it works well. But when I create shellcode and inject it ...
paladium's user avatar
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Executing a msfvenom shellcode in C program

This is obviously for educational purposes. I've been interested in learning more about malware and how it works. I'm trying to get a meterpreter reverse tcp shell working on windows 10 but more ...
ucklvs's user avatar
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MSFvenom payload with dynamic options

I am using MSFvenom to export meterpreter's reverse TCP payload. While this works with msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f -exe > ~/Desktop/...
Gavin Youker's user avatar
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Manually migrate to another process without using metasploit? [duplicate]

There is a useful meterpreter script that allows to migrate meterpreter to another process by specifying its PID. Imagine I have my own session running. How could I migrate to another process without ...
Fabio's user avatar
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How does Metasploit's payload work with a remote target?

I have some simple questions. I often use Metasploit in my pentest engagements. It works fine when I'm inside a local network. Okay, we know that, when the payload is injected properly, it will give ...
Abdulla's user avatar
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Documentation on Meterpreter Shells

I've been looking for some decent documentation on Meterpreter shells, but I can't seem to find anything useful. I would like to know when to use what kind of shell for a certain situation. All I ...
David's user avatar
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