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Understanding HTTP response from Linux Server

I am working through a question that involves someone using a vulnerability in a Linux server in order to gain access to it. The first part of the question states In monitoring the network activity ...
Josh's user avatar
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How does getting a remote shell via exploiting a vulnerability really work?

I can understand what a buffer overflow is and that it allows you to write in places of the memory that you shouldn't be able to. I can also grasp the concept that there may be other software ...
hytromo's user avatar
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Code Vulnerability in Shell script

I was given an assignment for my Computer Security class. We we were given a piece of code to analyze and determine the vulnerabilities that it might have. #!/bin/sh # shell script to create a copy ...
Alan W's user avatar
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Are shell scripts / bash inherently less secure than other (script) languages such as python?

Are shell scripts / bash suitable for any kind of task as long as the developer(s) write correct, security bug free scripts? Or are shell scripts / bash less advisable for some tasks such as parsing ...
adrelanos's user avatar
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Which shell is more secure, mksh or bash?

Which shell is more secure, mksh or bash? There has been some discussion pointing into the direction, that mksh is more secure. How to come to that conclusion? By looking which code was more audited ...
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