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Questions tagged [skype]

A Microsoft telecommunications application providing voice calls and video chat from a variety of devices including those powered by Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, and more.

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1 vote
1 answer

What security issues are there when accepting skype calls from people I do not know?

Recently I got a friend request from a person I do not even know and of course he was not in my friends list (I mean the people I have accepted in my skype in order to chat or talk live) and he ...
user958473's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can my ISP or government listen to my Skype calls?

Is the call encrypted with something like HTTPS to prevent a corrupt government (or ISP) from messing with the DNS routing, sniffing, snooping etc? Can my ISP or government listen to my Skype calls? I'...
user274772's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Got a call from "skype-resolver" on Skype. Should I be concerned?

This morning, I found out that I received a call from "skype-resolver" in the middle of the night on my phone. When I went to Skype, the call was nowhere to be found, presumably because the ...
tphilli's user avatar
  • 263
45 votes
2 answers

Claim that Skype is an unconfined application able to access all one's own personal files and system resources

Situation I was about to install Skype on a laptop driven by Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop. The software installation helper graciously informs me that Skype is unconfined. It can access all your personal ...
XavierStuvw's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why Skype doesn't ask for password every time?

Every time I launch Skype on my desktop it doesn't ask for my password. It asks for the password only when I run it for the very first time. Is it secure? For me it's better to type the password every ...
sluge's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Skype opens base64-encoded JavaScript. What does it do?

I just came across a rather unusual problem, and I cannot figure out if it actually is a problem (or even security issue) or not. Upon opening Skype on MacOS, a popup window appears (multiple times, ...
NikxDa's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Electron Framework vulnerability - Explaining remote code execution

Electron is a "web application writing platform" used by software such as Skype and Slack for Windows (among many others). News articles from today are purporting that these applications are now ...
n00b's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Did Skype give me a MBR virus? [closed]

So here's the deal, I could never login on my desktop to skype for business. Since I am an microsoft 365 admin, I issued a ticket and waited for someone to call me to help me login. He remotely logged ...
Jghorton14's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

My Skype friends are sending me links [closed]

People on my Skype friends list keep sending me links with my name in the URL. I was getting kind of worried because when I click the link it doesn't go anywhere. I asked my friends and they said ...
Kieran Drydale's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

About slowloris dos attack in skype

So I scanned my home pc for fun with nmap "vuln" script and it said something about the slowloris vulerability at port 443 . So I started up and it really worked . After that I wondered ...
Richard R. Matthews's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Why is Skype traffic not passing through the NAT table of the PREROUTING chain in iptables?

I have successfully performed a MITM attack and have managed to view the HTTP/HTTPS packets of the victim passing through the nat table of the PREROUTING chain of my iptables.(using -j LOG) However, ...
Lew Wei Hao's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Does Skype encrypt IP destination?

Does Skype encrypt the IP destination (the IP of the people I talked to) in instant messaging? Now Skype uses the cloud, does my ISP know the IP destination or is my message sent to the cloud?
Moba's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Skype for iPhone image/link preview

Today a Skype contact of mine sent me a link in the chat. This link I believe was sent without the person knowing it, and it contains a reference in the URL to my Skype ID, in the form ...tumblr...#...
jj_p's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Suspicious Skype IP connection

I'm posting this three weeks after a malware and keylogger scare that happened through Skype, and my own negligence, which resulted in a fresh install of Windows 7. Everything's running and clean, ...
Don Amarello's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Linkedin spam through Skype - how to check if I am infected?

I am following on this question: What risks do I have now that I accidentaly opened a suspicious URL send to me by Skype? Since I am new, I cannot comment on this thread hence the new question ... I ...
Oberom's user avatar
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0 answers

Spammer using LinkedIn for redirects dangerous or just spam? [duplicate]

I fell victim to a spam attack as outlined in this other posting here. I clicked on the link and was redirected through a bunch of pages. Does someone know whether this is just spam or actually ...
Dahlai's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How is the routing of Skype? [closed]

While packet sniffing with tcpdump, is it usual to have different IP's connected while normal chatting in Skype? While using Videochat a direct IP? I have doubts about the logins. E.g. if someone ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What risks do I have now that I accidentaly opened a suspicious URL send to me by Skype?

The following URL was sent to me by a trusted Skype contact (from my university): WARNING - DO NOT CLICK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING I clicked on ...
user3834459's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Does Skype use audio watermarking?

Today on CNN they conducted an interview with a career criminal, who spoke by Skype on condition of anonymity. It occurred to me that, if Skype uses digital watermarking to embed identifying ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Do I have a IP leak if I use Tor and Skype/UDP?

I configure my OS so that it sends all traffic over the Tor (assume that, I configure Tor like proxy). I use Tor (which does not support UDP) and Skype (which uses UDP). My questions are: Does that ...
ideloxew's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

IP leakage on Skype through VPN

Does anyone know how the traffic behaves if you configure a VPN natively through SSTP (WIN or MAC)? Because most applications use the TCP, but Skype uses UDP. I try to formulate more specific ...
ideloxew's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Advertisement on Skype tried to download a file to my computer using Javascript

I usually have Skype running in the background. If you have ever used Skype before, you probably know it has advertisements. One of these advertisements made two windows pop up on my screen, asking to ...
Greg M's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Best way to keep cell day to day phone calls private - is VOIP better?

This question is about preventing eavesdropping by hackers, thieves, or other smart people collecting information for shady purposes. Is it better to buy a smartphone and install a VOIP service on it ...
MM1926's user avatar
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0 answers

How Skype Click to Call plugin is used to send spam?

My friend had Skype Click to Call plugin installed within browser on Mac OSX. And his Skype account started to send some automatic spam messages linking to lose weight websites (via without ...
kenorb's user avatar
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1 answer

Is using Skype safe on a computer with sensitive information? [closed]

Does Skype client in some way harm the privacy of information not submitted over it? For example, by capturing the contents of the screen, scanning the disk, the memory of the system and submitting ...
throwawayaccountlhn53's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

How secure are Skype calls?

How secure are Skype voice and video calls? Obviously they do not use end-to-end encryption, so anything transmitted can be read and stored by Microsoft. But what about other 3rd parties? What do we ...
Martin Eden's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

How to demo Skype-decryption using FOSS tools?

I'm preparing a presentation on Skype networking. And I'd like to demo decryption. I found a good approach to decrypting the TLS packets captured with WireShark in this blog post: Rob Andrews, ...
user1868607's user avatar
41 votes
5 answers

Is this an evidence of a Skype communication being spied on?

A couple of days ago I was having a conversation using Skype, then I wanted to share a link to a page with the interlocutor. I didn't want to let her understand the link content by just looking at the ...
Matteo Umili's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

If service is http over TLS/SSL is communication completely safe?

Last week at the country I live in there was an article in a newspaper with a list of people (journalists, businessmen, etc) that were being spied by the intelligence services of the country... They ...
Andres's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Can my identity be revealed to the receiver when using skype to land line phone service?

I have been using skype for online chats, and recently called my company on their landline number through skype a few times regarding an anonymous complaint to avoid retaliation. I have not used ...
skypefan's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How do I stop my IP from being resolved through my Skype?

I recently discovered that someone found out my current IP info via Skype among other information. People can do this via a thing called Skype resolvers. However nothing I do so far seems to work. I ...
user86613's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why Skype discloses my IP address to anybody? [closed]

Apparently there is a Skype exploit that allows people to obtain your IP address through your Skype username if you're online. The problem has existed since 2012. There exists countless websites which ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Insert hidden link in Skype [closed]

Recently I have received a link from one of my Skype contacts (infected by a computer virus). The link looks like an Instagram one, but points to another site. How the attacker did this? How to ...
Yahor's user avatar
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1 vote
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Are Skype drive-by attacks theoretically possible?

Long story short, I was on my iPhone when this Skype account tried to send me a "picture" but before it could download (I saw what looked like a downloading bar) I left the message and blocked the ...
user3272992's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Are the certificates from "skype click to call" and "avast! Web/Mail Shield" any better than superfish?

My Girlfriend has a years-old laptop from lenovo. I checked it over and wasn't surprised that the Superfish / Komodia Root CA certificate was not present. However I found some others that appear to ...
mc0e's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Can you get someone's IP if you have their Skype number?

I was reading about capturing packets during skype sessions to get the other person's IP address... sounds like you can do this mainly while in a live skype chat / call between skype to skype, but Is ...
Freshfruitness's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Skype called someone and connected to them with no action on my part. What do I do?

This happened to me today, September 12, at about 6pm. Any ideas about what happened, what's going on, and what I should do? I was at home alone with my 2 year old -- I was feeding her dinner. All of ...
Bob8943's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

Does Skype technology tap a user's machine to route other calls? [closed]

I was surfing a random blog today (Enterprise video conferencing solutions vs Skype), and I came across a claim. I do know that the Skype protocol is a proprietary one, but the author of this blog ...
Prahlad Yeri's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Track my girlfriend's stolen computer

My girlfriend just told me that her computer was stolen, the computer was hibernated and the second the thief turn the computer on a lots a things will open automatically. I'm hoping I can get the ...
RSFalcon7's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Skype is doing funny things when I type or click, does this necessarily mean malware may be in my computer?

I'm new to the IT Security Stack Exchange! This is my question: I've Skype installed on my Windows 7 computer. In the last few months I've noticed my mouse cursor blinks (I mean it shows that cursor ...
CuriousOne's user avatar
2 votes
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How could the Skype app log me out from my Facebook account on OSX? Isn't this a huge security flaw?

According to this post (and to my personal experience), installing the Skype app on Facebook and the Skype client on OSX Mavericks will result in you being logged out from Facebook every time you ...
Saturnix's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How do countries block encrypted protocols like Skype?

I can't make Skype calls outside of my country because they are blocked. As far as I understand, Skype uses strong encryption for the calls, thus, making Deep Packet Inspection unable to detect it. ...
Mr.voip's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Does Skype compromise my system (beyond the scope of calls/chats)?

First of all, please don't shout at me for wanting to use Skype. I know that it's evil and I fully expect all the calls and text chats going through it to be stored permanently in govt data centers, ...
basic6's user avatar
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-5 votes
2 answers

Can you get someone's IP address using Skype? [closed]

If you're chatting with them via Skype, how can you get their IP address? Do you need some kind of program or is there a simple, obvious way? Is it illegal?
thisisjnd's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How could be my skype password stolen? [closed]

My skype password was recently changed. I've changed it back and found it in the internet on hacker's site. My password is pc-generated, like as2fZ12v. How did they manage to hack it, if I've never ...
stiv's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Using skype for an attack

I am curious about something; let's say someone randomly added me to Skype and tried to initiate a chat with me and I want to know more about them but I am worried if they can do some damage. My ...
Fingolfin's user avatar
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0 answers

Deny Skype video access in Linux? [closed]

I have noticed that despite having configured Skype to not access video, during startups it continues to access the webcam momentarily. Skype is not a user, so I am unsure how to modify its ...
HiPhi's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Long-lived SSL connections to dynamic IP addresses

I'm seeing some odd behaviour on my proxy server logs since I started blocking direct outbound connections to port 443 (thus forcing applications to use the proxy server for HTTPS connections). I'm ...
AndyK's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How secure is automatic authentication in Skype?

How secure is checking the automatic authentication option in Skype client? What if I sign in with Microsoft account instead of Skype id? What if both accounts are merged? Is there any documentation ...
user avatar
1 vote
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Skype chat history and web browsing history CHECK

In an office work place, can a network admin have access to my Skype chat history and web browsing history without logging in to my pc since all pc's are connected with the same network? i am ...
dev1234's user avatar
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