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security difference between sudo make install versus sudo su make install

Is there a security difference between doing sudo make install versus two step sudo su and then typing make install The reason I'm asking is because a security requirement to install some software ...
user1709076's user avatar
57 votes
9 answers

Is `curl {something} | sudo bash -` a reasonably safe installation method?

The most straightforward way to install NodeJS on Ubuntu or Debian seems to be Nodesource, whose installation instructions say to run: curl -sL | sudo -E bash - ...
Krubo's user avatar
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Does the new Fedora package manager allow unauthorized installations?

I just upgraded to Fedora 22. The biggest change from the previous version is that the yum package manager is now replaced with dnf. One change I've noticed is that if you try to execute a command ...
Woodrow Barlow's user avatar