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Questions tagged [tampering]

Tampering refers to the unauthorized access or modification of a good or device. Use this tag for question regarding the process of tampering, the protection against tampering, or the detection thereof.

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0 answers

"PUF CRPs authentication requires trust in manufacturer since it's him who performs the storage of CRPs"....?

"PUF CRPs authentication requires trust in manufacturer since it's him who performs the storage of CRPs". So does it mean that we have to trust manufacturer, because he could replace the ...
allexj's user avatar
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0 answers

Is PUF Challenge-Response Authentication applied on every power-up event? [closed]

Are PUFs used, EVERY time we power on the computer to verify that nothing has been tampered with (by using CRP authentication)? Which element performs this authentication? (bios, secureboot, I don't ...
allexj's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Since JTAG can be authenticated and encrypted, which key is used? I read that Secure Boot is used, but what is the key?

Since JTAG can be authenticated and encrypted, which key is used? I read that Secure Boot is used, but what is the key? Me, owner of this laptop, how can I know the key to use to access my own laptop ...
allexj's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Laptop Repair vs. Evil Maid

Suppose you need a laptop repair, so you bring it to A big box store where you have some sort of coverage (who will have the computer for 2-3 weeks) A small chain of repair shops a small independent ...
SurferTaco's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is encrypting a query parameter within a URI a security best practice?

Assumption a customer is sitting in a public area connected to a public wifi. A threat actor can access the customer's browser and read all Javascript variables. Step 1. server sends the ...
user1068636's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

how should a web application verify a redirect comes from a trustworthy source?

This document has a sequence diagram (annotated and shown below) explaining how Stripe handle's a Checkout Session. My question : When a customer is returned to the successUrl =
user1068636's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What is a proper way to prevent parameter tampering and to make parameter secure

I'm developing a HTTP web server. I've used HTTPS as the protocol between client and server but I know that HTTPS can't prevent parameter tampering. As we know, we can set parameters in URL, in HTTP ...
Yves's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Windows 10 Update - Man In The Middle Attack - Tamper Update [duplicate]

I am connecting to a wi-fi network and blocked all IP addresses in this network with a regular Windows 10 firewall. The only available IP addresses are: = gateway = my own ...
Minerva Developer's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

sqlmap tampered payload doesn't insert correctly

My problem is that I have made my own tampered payload that should convert the actual payload to hex format. You can see from the log that the tampered payload is correct, but in the post data "...
Sortekonan's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Does client-side data tampering allow more than just evading validation? Dictionary attacks? Brute-force login attempts?

I am trying to better understand and determine the impact and implications of a web app where data tamping is possible. When discussing data tampering, I am referring to when you are able to use a ...
Krellex's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Preventing Windows from seeing/tampering with linux drive

Is there a way to prevent a Windows 10/11 system to access/modify/delete data from a secondary linux drive? I understand I can encrypt the linux drive, but wouldn't the windows system be still able to ...
Mr. D.'s user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How secure is Heads for detecting tampering or infection of firmware or boot sector? (Pureboot)

I'm thinking of getting a Librem laptop with Pureboot which uses Heads (with the Librem key) for tamper detection. But I've heard rumours that there are weaknesses or vulnerabilities so I wanted to ...
yannis's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Can the glue of glitter-hot-glue sticks be used to provide evidence of electronics-hardware tampering?

I've been researching low-cost, yet strong, tamper-evident mechanisms, and purchased some low-cost glitter-hot-glue sticks as part of this research. The Amazon page advertising the sticks, seems to ...
Mark Fernandes's user avatar
0 votes
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Any there any tools like Burpsuite that fully support HTTP/2? [closed]

Nowadays websites start migrating to HTTP/2, but Burpsuite hasn't fully support HTTP/2 yet. I know HTTPCanary is good and support multiple protocols like replaying HTTP2 and even TCP/UDP, but that ...
maximillian1's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

What's the point of providing file checksums for verifying downloads? [duplicate]

Many projects offering binaries, also offer hashes (e.g. SHA256) of those binaries, wither as .ASC files, or directly on the web page near the binary. This isn't to protect against network-caused ...
Dan Dascalescu's user avatar
23 votes
8 answers

Protect API from being tampered?

I'm building an API with websocket that serializes data through JSON. The App itself is a chat application. I came up with the following structure to send my data: {date: '2020-05-31', time: '14:28:...
VladiC4T's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How could malware disable third party security software?

I'm asking this question with the assumption that anything the user can do, so can malware. I'm using a third party firewall on my system to control which programs are able to access the internet. ...
Synthetic Ascension's user avatar
1 vote
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Does the WP(Write Protect) pin of a USB flash memory controller prevent tampering with its firmware?

Does WP(Write Protect) pin of a USB flash memory controller prevent tampering with its firmware? I want to have an USB stick that I can make it read-only and insert it in any untrusted PC without ...
learner's user avatar
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Does TLS (Transport Layer Security) protect against deliberate tampering or accidental corruption?

If someone tampers with data being transmitted over HTTPS using TLS, would that result in a corrupted decrypted message or would it result in the error being detected such as through a cryptographic ...
g491's user avatar
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Is multiplying hashes a valid way to ensure two sets of data are identical (but in arbitrary order)

Let's say "User A" has a set of data like below. Each entry has been hashed (sha256) to ensure integrity within a single entry. You can't modify data of a single entry without also modifying the ...
yaku's user avatar
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Are there any standards or guidelines tamper-evident devices can adhere to?

Tamper-Evident devices and measures are devices which in some way indicate that an event not intended by the developer or manufacturer has occurred. Examples of tamper-evident devices are stickers ...
user avatar
2 votes
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Tamper Protected VS. Tamper Proof for write-protected memories

I read in the answer here by Marcus that ROM is Tamper-proof. What is the difference between tamper-proof, tamper protected and tamper-resistant? Now, there are some re-writable memory (eg. eNVM) ...
Lavender's user avatar
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How to know whether a textfile has been edited or tampered with on the local system?

Related to "How to know whether a textfile has been edited or tampered with?", I wonder if it's possible to detect file tampering on the local system? Typical threat model: the old "Hack" computer ...
Edward Falk's user avatar
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Is the security seal on samsung phones proof that the phone has not been tampered with?

Samsung phones come with a security seal that says you should not buy the phone if it is broken. Is this proof that no one has tampered with the phone? Is there some way to take off the seal and ...
Linux_user0987's user avatar
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1 answer

Protection against tampering

Recently, I have downloaded a game from Steam. I wondered whether it was somehow possible to alter the data of the game and replace it with malware without the computer it was sent to noticing. ...
DaddyMike's user avatar
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2 answers

How to protect external hard drive from tampering?

I am looking to buy an external 1TB hard drive to store sensitive information on. External hard drives aren't (physically) small, and it may have to be left unattended at times. What can I do to ...
Nen's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Semantic URL Attack Mitigation

I want to know what is the best approach for preventing URL Jumping / URL Tampering Attacks Example updateprofile.php?uid=1 I can change to updateprofile.php?uid=2 I can update the second user'...
Cash-'s user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Prove log files weren't tampered with?

Say I have some Apache logs that show brute force attempts on a login page. I've singled out the IP, and found out who the culprit was. How can I show to a third party that I didn't makeup the entries ...
TACO's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Injected malicious code in temporary files

It just came to my mind that few years ago many iOS applications where infected by XcodeGhost (notably WeChat). This made me think about few possible scenarios: Malicious code injected in object ...
Adriano Repetti's user avatar
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Are there ways in determining if devices such as router have been tampered with?

In working with a number of non-profit organizations, devices such as routers that may have been used by other businesses are often acquired. Equally, devices are often inherited through other ...
Motivated's user avatar
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Sessions implemented through cookies over HTTPS

I have a question about sessions implemented through cookies. I have just started to learn about security and I apologise if this question comes across as something elementary. Let's say I'm using ...
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0 votes
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How to determine when iPhone photograph was taken?

If I have a suspicion that someone changed the date on their iPhone, took photos with that back-dated date and time, can I prove this? Or is this something that you just can't track?
curioussuspicions's user avatar
3 votes
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How should I verify a backup has not been tampered with?

I have a NAS with some files that total up to 2TB in size. I suspect I could shrink this because there are possibly duplicate files. I plan on making a second backup by sending what I have to Google ...
RansuDoragon's user avatar
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Security of TPM 1.2 for providing tamper-evidence against firmware modification

I would like to use a TPM for providing tamper-evidence to my workstation, using SRTM (Static Root-of-Trust for Measurement). Currently, I plan to have the TPM seal a one-time value which only I know, ...
guest's user avatar
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41 votes
7 answers

Can we tamper-proof a game that's sold along with the Windows machine it runs on?

We want to protect a game that is basically sold with the computer containing it. The security is done this way: The HDD is encrypted using hardware TPM 1.2, which holds a unique key to decrypt the ...
youns's user avatar
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Log tampering - edit notifications [closed]

Hello Guys I am looking for a solution that can record the log tamper event and notify(email/sms) what the change made in the log file and it should be limit to specific paragraph instead of listing ...
Rpendela's user avatar
2 votes
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Question about HTTPS & Client side tampering

Could someone explain something to me please: I am intercepting requests on my local proxy to a HTTPS server. The POST body has data such as "ID=4001" in plain text when I intercept it. Firstly, is ...
symon's user avatar
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Android tamper resistance: BuildConfig.DEBUG spoofing?

Our team is trying to secure a native Android mobile app. Amongst other things we are using Dexguard for some checks such as tamper, root and emulator detection. Long story short: some of these checks ...
fgysin's user avatar
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How can I check whether Notepad++ is using a version of the SciLexer.dll library that was modified by the CIA?

I've just read the release notes of Notepad++ 7.3.3 and I've discovered that in the recent Wikileaks revelations about the CIA hacking tools there's something affecting Notepad++. The program itself ...
Fabio says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
2 votes
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Sqlmap: bypass website security filtering SQL reserved words

I'm using sqlmap to get a website's DB and found out that the site is time-based boolean vulnerable; but the target is showing SQL errors, which made me think that it would be an injection error. I ...
Thiago Dias's user avatar
1 vote
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What recommended precautions should one take when using internet provided by a Landlord?

I am curious about what necessary steps/precautions one should take when dealing with a situation in which you have to use an internet connection provided by a landlord. I assume you would at least ...
XaolingBao's user avatar
3 votes
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Runtime checksum of Mach-O differs from executable checksum

In our iOS application we are trying to make an anti-tamper check. What we would like to apply is a common procedure used in anti-tapering techniques. We are trying to get the __text section of a Mach-...
Andrea's user avatar
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1 answer

Post Data tamper detection [closed]

I have been studying a bit on security on how to make my mobile rest server secure. I am looking at one mobile application that uses plain HTTP. I have Charles proxy breakpoint enabled and edit the ...
keithics's user avatar
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Altering assembly without affecting digital signature

I have discovered a software crack where the license check assembly (.NET) has been altered but the digital signature and the strong name are both still perfectly intact. Strong naming is easy to ...
BrutalDev's user avatar
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How to protect against request intercepting and parameter-tampering? [duplicate]

My problem is that I made an app and I am making PHP Requests. I just realized that you can sniff everything on Android with "Packet Capture". How can I make my app more secure? I thought about ...
Godlike's user avatar
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24 votes
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Verifying android application integrity from server side

I have android applications (Mobile banking) that connect to my server and do online transactions (via Internet/USSD/SMS), I want to make sure those clients are not tampered with and are the original ...
Silverfox's user avatar
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38 votes
8 answers

How to know whether a textfile has been edited or tampered with?

Is it possible to know whether a textfile, e.g. in XML format, has been edited or tampered with over time? The context to my question follows: I am a scientist in industry using a technology called ...
Drew Gibson's user avatar
38 votes
5 answers

Risk of tampering when hardware shipment is delayed

I am currently receiving an order of computer parts in the mail including an SSD. Tracking showed that the package arrived in my town on day X, and was originally scheduled for delivery on day X as ...
Eric Johnson's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Can a faked iPhone SMS log be detected

SMS messages received by an iPhone is stored unencrypted in an SQLite database, which may be extracted by backing up the phone. You can manipulate (tamper with, e.g: replace the text of a message ...
Free Radical's user avatar
1 vote
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How to configure WebScarab to intercept only POST requests?

I'm trying to make WebScarab intercept only POST requests. On the Intercept tab below Methods I've selected only POST, but it still intercepts all GET and POST requests, so it's quite hard to tamper ...
Vladislav's user avatar
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