Questions tagged [tls-downgrade]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Downgrading TLS 1.0 to SSLv3 - Handshake error (40)

I have a device that functions as a server and uses OpenSSL - it supports SSLv3 and TLS 1.0. That same device also functions as a client to some other servers - I am trying to see if I can downgrade ...
Zach P's user avatar
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SSLv3 downgrading attack - avoiding fallback alert

I know it won't work on every server because some don't allow SSLv3 but I tried many servers and my attack doesn't seem to work. For now, I attempt to downgrade to TLS 1.0 (also recognized by the ...
Zach P's user avatar
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What are the benefits and disadvantage of disabling <TLS1.2 client side (in browser)?

We are considering disabling TLS1.0 and TLS1.1 in the policies for a browser used organization-wide. We already have a primary browser, where >=TLS1.0 is enabled (i.e. SSLv3 is disabled). We do not ...
RasmusP_963's user avatar