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22 votes
7 answers

Convenient cross-platform help on checking secure hashes like SHA-256

It is often helpful to be able to obtain a good cryptographic checksum of a file, e.g. the SHA-256 hash. This can be used to verify file integrity, so long as you have a reliable source for the hash. ...
nealmcb's user avatar
  • 20.9k
4 votes
1 answer

Generate wordlist using non-default rules (John The Ripper)

If I want to create a wordlist, using JTR to mangle a source list by applying its default rules to them I can do this like so: # john -rules --stdout --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt | ...
SilverlightFox's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to determine hashes/second in password cryptanalysis

I'm working on my dissertation concerning cryptanalysis on password hashes. As part of my research, I aim to crack a number of passwords with John the Ripper and rainbowcrack-mt. I'd like to ...
Ian Muscat's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Tools to produce an MD5 collision?

I'd like to learn a bit more about MD5 collisions. So let's assume I have a message m: m = somesecretmessage And I hash that message: z = md5(m) The only know information is z. I do not know m. ...
Kyu96's user avatar
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Does whosthere.exe of pth toolkit have to run with administrative rights?

To see the users that are connected to the machine and they're pass hashes with Whosthere.exe, do I have to run it as an administrator?
Npv23g's user avatar
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Both Ophcrack and ONTP&RE incorrectly show Windows 10 passwords as blank

I'm trying to crack a Windows 10 laptop that I myself set a password on a day or so ago. So far I've tried booting into Ophcrack 3.6 and ONTP&RE (Offline NT Password & Registry Editor) from ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar