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Scanner / tool to generate a list with all forms and input fields of a website [closed]

I'm not very experienced with information security but know some basics about injection attacks and other web based attacks. Is there a tool / crawler to find all forms and input fields of a whole ...
clinical's user avatar
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Are there any decent web app security scanners that can integrate with a build server?

I've spent a lot of time in TeamCity recently and the nightly code quality metrics coming from the dupe finder, FxCop and NDepend have been great. What I'd really like to do is find a decent web app ...
Troy Hunt's user avatar
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What tools are available to assess the security of a web application?

What tools are available to assess the security of a web application? Please provide a small description of what the tool does. Update: More specifically, I'm looking for tools that assume no ...
Olivier Lalonde's user avatar