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67 votes
4 answers

Why is so much ransomware breakable?

The site: offers many decrypter tools for ransomware. But why? It shouldn't be so hard to use the Windows Crypto API (e.g. just google "create AES Key in Windows") to ...
kiara's user avatar
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211 votes
10 answers

What should you do if you catch encryption ransomware mid-operation?

You boot up your computer one day and while using it you notice that your drive is unusually busy. You check the System Monitor and notice that an unknown process is using the CPU and both reading and ...
Fiksdal's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Does CryptoWall needs a internet connection to encrypt my files?

Does CryptoWall 3.0 use some resource on the internet to encrypt my files? I watched this video on YouTube - in this video a tool is used to sniff network traffic and find information about ...
Guilherme de Jesus Santos's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Decrypt a file by knowing the original content [duplicate]

We had some ransomware get into our system a couple of weeks ago, and it has encrypted a large amount of our files. I am wondering, is it possible to figure out an encryption key if I know the ...
Jason Crenshaw's user avatar