Questions tagged [webserver]

A system whose primary function is to deliver web pages on request to clients.

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1 answer

How can I test a domain that I don't own for unencrypted communication vulnerabilities?

I am suspecting a website of passing clear text login information and so far as I can tell the connection is unencrypted. Are there web-based tools to validate/test a website for basic security ...
Enigma's user avatar
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HTTPonly cookies

I was tasked to perform as scan against a lab and Nessus returned an "Apache HTTP Server httpOnly Cookie Information Disclosure" vulnerability. What I would like to know is what these cookies contain ...
nick's user avatar
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1 answer

Root server hacked via httpd - consequences and future prevention

Since before mid 2014, my root server was targeted by hackers and recently they gained limited access. I disabled all services once I realized the server has been compromised and started investigating....
08frak's user avatar
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3 answers

Scan all possible files on server (Brute force Filenames)

I'm looking for a tool which can scan all possible filename combinations on a server and tells you what filenames the server responded to. So it would try something like:,,...
Max Rumpf's user avatar
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2 answers

how unsafe is it for Windows webserver IIS to have domain privileges

Normally in the past, I've managed that the production server only serves http(s) to the internet, and is isolated from it's database by a firewall which only allows database queries to travel. ...
Knox's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it safe to open ports 80 and 443 in a home network

The intention behind this is that I'll be able to host a website from a home server (another pc with ECC ram etc.), but what worries me is that the network I'm using is also the same network which I ...
Nuubles's user avatar
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What makes servers vulnerable to Return Of Bleichenbacher's Oracle Threat (ROBOT) attack?

Is server vulnerable if it supports RSA key exchange ciphers? Can server be still vulnerable if it is running on unpatched vendor software but does not support RSA key exchange ciphers? After applying ...
bhushan5640's user avatar
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Finding web application on webserver having only IP

I am trying to find all web application running on web server. The only information I have is IP address of web server, for example My approach was to check the existence of web ...
user187205's user avatar
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Server side Excel file security

I need to write an application that will interact with files uploaded from untrusted sources (users). Specs say I must support CSV and Excel. If I allow a user to upload an Excel file to the server ...
cocogorilla's user avatar
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Was I a victim of an "Apache PHP Remote Exploit" attack?

I have a server in my computer for testing purposes, accessible from the outside. I was reviewing the access.log file, and I saw - - [29/Mar/2014:03:39:01 +0100] "HEAD / HTTP/1.0" 200 - ...
Oriol's user avatar
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4 answers

What things should I check for when giving a client control of the filename parameter to C's open() function?

I'm doing a school project where we are building a simple web server in C. To implement this I read the first line of the request (all I need for my purposes) and parse the middle string as the file ...
Mike Flynn's user avatar
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2 answers

How to counter or fix banner grabbing vulnerability

During an audit i came across banner grabbing findings,and would like to know how to mitigate that on IIS and apache server.
editorh5's user avatar
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1 answer

Intrusion attempt? Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

We have a web site hosted on a shared server. The hosting company's MySQL servers are hosted on a different server. We collect certain kinds of requests through a web form, and write them to a ...
Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall''s user avatar
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How to host application monitoring and administration dashboards?

I'm in the middle of completing a web app for production. This is my first one. I'm at the point where I have to put together an administrator dashboard for comprehensive monitoring and administration ...
Zero's user avatar
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1 answer

Possible issues when one or more cookie not HttpOnly

I have a question related to HttpOnly cookie. Tracking other threads wasn't of much help, hence I am posting my query here to learn if you can foresee any issues with my understanding. There is a ...
user3205217's user avatar
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Why does my web server receive so many TCP resets from some clients?

I run a web server and log connections that are dropped. Occasionally, I get a burst of TCP RST packets from some of my clients, like this: Feb 11 11:56:29 SRC= TTL=57 SPT=38383 DPT=80 WINDOW=...
user68300's user avatar
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Explanation of open ports

I've run metasploit against my web-server and it found several opened ports that I didn't know. Please note that I have a firewall and IPSec configured but they were disabled just for testing ...
Diego Jancic's user avatar
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What are some steps to take for securing a Linux server that aren't in this list of obvious ones?

Obvious things: Disable root login (rather, don't enable it) Secure SSH (no root login, key auth only, timeout after inactivity, whitelist users who can SSH in, etc.) IP Tables firewall whitelisting ...
orokusaki's user avatar
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VPS Safety in the Cloud

Imagine you are running a web server on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosted in a datacenter. Could the people running the datacenter covertly read files from my VPS's hard disk? Could an attacker ...
dr jimbob's user avatar
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How to improve VPS security?

I’m using Linux based VPS hosting, and a firewall and mod_sec help to keep most hackers out. However, over the last couple of weeks I noticed several entries in mod_sec showing that an unknown domain ...
user avatar
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Single web application - security advantages to two server model?

I'm looking to deploy infrastructure for a web application that will live on a LAMP stack. The infrastructure is such that this is the only application that will ever live on this server and it must ...
user116218's user avatar
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Sites that allow user-generated content

Is there a way to identify which popular sites will host arbitrary user-generated content? I am doing some analysis to detect phishing sites. It would be nice to use the popularity of a website as a ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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SSH Access to Personal Server sudo vs su

I have a server running Debian, which is on the web, and has few traffic (I use it essentially for some coulds, calendars, etc. for me). In an attempt to secure its access, I made the following in the ...
clem steredenn's user avatar
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3rd Party Authentication protocol

I have a hardware device (H), phone (P) and web server (S). I would like P to be able to send commands to H, but only if it is authorized to do so. Permissions are stored on server. Technically I ...
Nimyz's user avatar
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Dangerous to open a unix socket within www root?

My web server is chrooted into /var/www, and its contents are available over the network. One of my web applications needs access to a unix socket, and so that socket needs to be somewhere in /var/...
ssh2ksh's user avatar
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Managing and deploying web app passwords

What are some best practices for managing and deploying web app passwords and private keys? E.g. the password to access a database or external services like the Facebook API. I'm referring generally ...
Ben McCann's user avatar
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Is an out-of-band request via DNS by abusing the X-Forwarded-For header exploitable

By changing the X-Forwarded-For header in a request, I am able to have it sent an OOB interaction with Burp Collaborator requesting a DNS lookup of type A. Is there any risk to this vulnerability or ...
Lieven Keersmaekers's user avatar
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How to securely send your user and hashed password to a server? [duplicate]

I'm making a user system for an app I'm developing, and I have a client side (the mobile app itself) and a server side (where the database remains) for it. The app sends get and post petitions to the ...
RabidTunes's user avatar
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Is there any way a website can show it hasn't been "hijacked" by the authorities? [closed]

I heard about warrant canaries and thought the idea was interesting. My understanding of what they are is a website or online service publishes a statement periodically that they have not been served ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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Apache vs Jetty with regard to Security [closed]

I am trying to design the architecture of an app that will run on an AWS Linux AMI, inside of a Docker container. The app will deal with sensitive financial data, so security is top priority. The app ...
Ben's user avatar
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2 answers

Is using a self signed certificate safer than a free ssl certificate? [duplicate]

I have a personal website/email server, basically for my own self learning use. I am using CACert ( for my SSL certificate as advised in a tutorial. I have no clue about ...
sprocket12's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to steal a non secure Cookie when the Web Server (IIS) only allows Https?

Is it possible to steal a non secure Cookie (Secure Flag is false) when the Web Server (IIS) only allows Https?
Rookian's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the actual security of this login page?

Please visit If I visit this site using my Safari 6 web browser, this page does not show the normal security indicator that secure sites normally show. Does this ...
SecurityClown's user avatar
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Create a SSL certificate and sign it with a personal certificate which in turn is signed by a certificate authority [duplicate]

I have a personal certificate which is signed by a certificate authority. This certificate is unrestricted with respect to its allowed purposes. Is it possible to create a SSL server certificate on my ...
Claude's user avatar
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4 answers

Spider Attack from several search engines at once

Hello my server is getting hit by spiders from bingbot, google, yahoo, yandex, and some place in the UK all at the same time crashing it. While I have no reason to think any one person did this, it ...
Rick's user avatar
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2 answers

Server getting probed: why can I see successful GET requests to other sites?

I put up my site yesterday and this morning I saw a lot of requests in the logs. I have seen this before, and immediately could tell it was someone/something probing the server. Most of the requests ...
turnip's user avatar
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4 answers

Determining the point of compromise on an infected web server?

Recently a friend of mine has had his web server compromised - all PHP files were injected with malicious code, in particular one that looks to be called "GetMama". If I look this up, it seems that ...
Moocow's user avatar
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2 answers

Would our company system be more secure using a VPN?

I'm currently building a back-office system for our company [for internal use] that will manage our customers, accounts etc (not interested in don't reinvent the wheel comments today, thank you!). I'm ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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2 answers

Browsing file/directory structure of a website

I want to know whether can we browse file/directory structure of any website. If yes, then how? If no, why can't we?
DigviJay Patil's user avatar
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3 answers

New Linux virus "watchbog". What could be the cause? [duplicate]

This question had already been brought up here, but was poorly answered with generic answers, like reinstall everything and no actual solution and cause. So here's my story: There is a new virus out ...
r. tihovs's user avatar
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1 answer

Are there any security implications in creating an SSH key for the root user?

I've written an install script on a server to quickly set up new sites in the /srv directory. It needs to do a git clone, and has to be run via sudo in order to have the permissions to do all the ...
Nick F's user avatar
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Cipher Suite TLS 1.2 - Weak in OHS

I am trying to correct weak encryption in TLS, by doing a test in SSL Labs, it throws weak encryption in the following chpher suite: Current Configuration: SSLCipherSuite HIGH:!MEDIUM:!LOW:!aNULL:!...
Ventur's user avatar
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Can web server have TLS version specific cipher suite configuration?

For eg. TLS 1.1 only RC4 suites, TLS 1.2 only GCM suites etc Also, Can it have Different cipher suite preference order (i.e. different order for different version)? eg. RC4 on top of list for SSL 3 ...
bhushan5640's user avatar
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Why there are so many web servers which get exploited by generating obfuscated files?

TL & DR How do those obfuscated files many users complain on this SE-site about get on their systems? And after that, even more interesting how they get executed? Is this caused by the way php ...
Zaibis's user avatar
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1 answer

Is my server vulnerable to a perl exploit?

I have a few worrying entries in my web server logs and I'm wondering if this means that my server is vulnerable. Firstly, the following seems to fail, receiving a 404 response: [15/Jan/2016:10:27:...
Ken Sharp's user avatar
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3 answers

is g-zipping assets a security concern?

I recently noticed that the assets sent to clients aren't gzipped or minified on either my companies intranet or its public facing website. I brought this to the attention of the networking ...
Luke's user avatar
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2 answers

Regular Expressions for common exploits

I patched for shellshock and was barraged a few days later. However, I would not have known any attempts were made at all if not for a regular expression I found on the internet. This has inspired me ...
Dylan Katz's user avatar
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How risky is having sensitive files on webroot?

I understand that having anything sensitive under webroot is not smart; someone may be able to access it via url. However, I do not have a choice with my web host (iPage) as they limit my server space ...
ink's user avatar
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Killing IP connections who "spam" with requests

How can I go about killing IP connections that seem to be sending a lot of requests to the same url? Let's say I have someone who requests the same url for more than 10 times in 5 seconds, I want to "...
Itai Sagi's user avatar
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Where's the security when a payment gateway let website handle Credit Card detail

Has anyone worked with eWay payment gateway before? Basically, there's a service endpoint where you post the customer's detail and credit card details from the web application after the browser sends ...
Sleeper Smith's user avatar

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