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is it possible to create a WEP wifi that accepts any password?

the same as evil twin fluxion but without captive portal so the victim connects to our fake Wep Wifi that accepts any password after getting disconnected from his Wpa 2 Wifi so we sniff data from the ...
mina nageh's user avatar
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Caffe-Latte attack in Python

I have a github project called 'Evil-Twin Framework' which basically is a very extensible Wi-Fi pentesting framework. I'm not going to delve into the details but basically one can code any type of Wi-...
Esser420's user avatar
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Is the Karma attack still relevant today?

I tried replicating the Karma attack and it does not work on my iphone5s and galaxy s6. Even when the phones send out directed probe requests and the Rouge AP responds with the appropriate probe ...
Lew Wei Hao's user avatar