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Blank decrypted Windows 10 passwords [duplicate]

I'm getting hashes from Windows 10 SAM using samdump2, then pass this to John the Ripper, with the --format=NT and --show arguments, and get: username::1001:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:...
GREAT DNG's user avatar
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How to decrypt windows password with SAM and SYSTEM files? [duplicate]

Suppose we have access to SAM and SYSTEM file, I want to decrypt the password. I'd like not to use any third-party software and write my own algorithm. Is there a way to do so?
JavaGamesJAR's user avatar
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pwdump8-8.2 correct hash for Microsoft Account Win10

I am having a real issue cracking one NT hash i've pulled from my system for a Microsoft Account. I used - PwDump8.2 I have an admin account unlocked on the system and can access most files. I know ...
Patho's user avatar
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Windows 10 user autologin password lost

A while ago I have set up the autologin for my Windows 10 user. I do not know the password anymore. I can login to the system (as has autologin now). But I cannot change the password. Is it possible ...
bostongeorge's user avatar
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Crack Windows 10 password with Cain and Able

A few months ago I reset my Windows password but my keyboard must have had a sticky key or two, effectively changing my password to an unknown password. Out of desperation and a little research I used ...
MPaul's user avatar
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Both Ophcrack and ONTP&RE incorrectly show Windows 10 passwords as blank

I'm trying to crack a Windows 10 laptop that I myself set a password on a day or so ago. So far I've tried booting into Ophcrack 3.6 and ONTP&RE (Offline NT Password & Registry Editor) from ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Replacing cached domain credentials in SECURITY hive

Windows stores the (NTLM) hashes of local users' passwords in the SAM hive. By booting from a live system (for example), one can not only extract those hashes for offline cracking, but also simply ...
TheWolf's user avatar
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