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Questions tagged [xcode]

The integrated development environment (IDE) from Apple that is used to create, compile and test Mac OS X and iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod) applications.

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2 answers

Is Xcode vulnerable due to log4j?

After the log4j vulnerability was announced, I scanned my Mac to see if any applications were using it. find / -name "*log4j*" 2>/dev/null Here's the output that indicates that Xcode has ...
tinkerr's user avatar
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New user has appeared on my Macbook Pro [duplicate]

Today I noticed the addition of a new user "Linchengzhang" on my MacBook pro. Apparently the user was added 25th April 2019 (according to the folder creation) and it appears to have an identical ...
glrey's user avatar
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3 answers

New user with Chinese name appeared on MacOS. Hacker?

I'm the only user on my personal laptop (MacBook Pro) running macOS Sierra. I discovered today that a suspicious user with a Chinese name appeared next to mine in the finder. Please see the attached ...
Philippa's user avatar
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Is it possible to get infected by malware from running a foreign Xcode project?

An entrepreneur hired me to build out his mobile app and passed me the Xcode project files. From what I've read and heard about the development agency that built out his beta they're sketchy to say ...
shoe's user avatar
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What is the reason to hide the bundle identifier when they are appeared on the screenshot of Xcode?

Sometimes I can see people ask questions about Xcode with a screenshot which contains the bundle identifiers of the app (e.g.:com.mycompany.myappname), but some of them would mask the bundle ...
ggrr's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it safe to run XCode project in iOS simulator?

I am reviewing an iOS test project by a job candidate. While I don't doubt their best intentions, I'd still like to know what kinds of risks I face when I: Open the project in XCode. Build the ...
vektor's user avatar
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Is data stored in core data on iOS secure?

I'm new to Swift and iOS. Suppose there was no KeyChain API. Would it be safe to put a user's password (plain text) in core data? Assume it won't be sent over the network, but only stored in the ...
twharmon's user avatar
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Has "Unit Test Bundles" on iOS or Mac been an attack vector?

In the current beta version of XCode, for the first time, you are required to sign your "Unit Test Bundle". Current beta version being 8.0. I was wondering if this is a bug that they will fix, or ...
Ali's user avatar
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