I want to know more about how WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) protocol for wireless securiy. From [this][1] wikipedia article I have got a basic Idea. But I still don't get what the initialize vector is? Is some kind of token sent for each request? Or is the connecting device authenticated only once in the beginning or some kind of token sent for each request (equivalent to cookies for authentication in gmail, yahoo etc)?<br>
I have tried to set up wep security for my wifi. As per instructions from my ISP, I did the following :<br>

    Network Authentication - Open
    WEP Encryption         - Enabled
    Current Network Key    -1
    Encryption Key         -64 bit
    Network Key 1          -abcdefghij (10 characters)
    Network Key 2          -
    Network Key 3          -
    Network Key 4          -
what are these network keys?
  [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wired_Equivalent_Privacy