I would like to make some workshop about Debit or Credit card fraud (Skimming). So I need as much as possible information about it. 1. Is it possible to clone debit or credit card with MagStripe reader and encoder which usually sold by POS store like this one? [MagStripe reader and encoder 1](http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-MSR605-Magnetic-Strip-Card-Reader-Writer-Encoder-MSR206-MSR609-MSR-605-MSR-206-606/32517107052.html?spm=2114.01020208.3.1.uw5RLG&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_4_79_78_77_82_80_62,searchweb201644_0,searchweb201560_3) [MagStripe reader and encoder 2](http://www.aliexpress.com/item/ZCS-M80-MSR-206-606-All-3-Tracks-HiCo-Magnetic-Stripe-Credit-Card-Reader-Writer-Encoder/32489248404.html?spm=2114.01020208.3.102.LzrOxg&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_4_79_78_77_82_80_62,searchweb201644_0,searchweb201560_3) 2. Is it possible to clone debit or credit card, can I cashout from ATM and transfer some fund to another account? In this case, I know the PIN number. 3. Please tell any factors which can cause failed or successful in case of Cloning debit or credit card and use it for evil purpose!, maybe there is any important factor like blank magstripe specification, magstripe reader and encoder specification, the ATM itself. the Card itself maybe any encryption. **FYI**: In my city, the debit card still uses MagStripe and no Chip on the card and I just tested my debit card with MagStripe reader which cause leaked card number, expired date, and some unknown number.