It's my (possibly flawed) understanding that the authorisation code grant is attractive because it keeps access tokens away from a potentially insecure user agent. I understand how this would work with the initial call: - The (insecure) user agent gets a code from the auth server - The agent then hands the code to the (secure) client application. - The client application can then exchange it for access/id/refresh tokens. All good so far. But now the user agent makes a 2nd request. How does that request get linked with the token(s) from the initial call? - It could go back and get another auth code, but this seems impractical. - It can't use the same code again as they're single use. - It doesn't have any of the tokens itself (as they're nice and safe on our app server). - So that leaves me with sessions. I.e. The app server matches the HTTP session with the tokens. Can someone confirm or correct this assumption? While the initial call is well documented, I can't find much in the way of what happens on subsequent calls. Any links to the actual mechanism would be appreciated! **Edit (to add context)** I am interested in securing a single page application calling an API. In the past I used an implicit grant for such interactions (with the access token being sent from the browser on every API call). However, given that the [implicit grant is no longer consider to be secure][1] I would like to switch to an authorization code grant. So my question is: After the initial authentication, what goes out on each subsequent API call for authentication? - A token? - A session cookie? - Something else? [1]: