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I've been reading in the last couple of days about CORS and in a lot of places it's mentioned as it is a "Security" feature to help the world from cross domain forgery.

You either misunderstood the benifits of CORS or may be you have read that in some amateur blogs done by developers who are more worried about how to make it work than how to make it safe (if you understand what I mean), because CORS rather makes your web application vulnerable to such attacks (CSRF) when you open cross-origin requests from the attacker's origin by using CORS with the following header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

How is CORS helping and what's the benefit of it?

CORS was born to lighten the restrictions of the SOP for trusted requests only. But the problems start exactly with that trust. An attacker could do harm through the origins by forging malicious requests through GET and POST methods for example, and may expose you even DNS rebinding
