Doing the webgoat HTTP splitting exercise. I feel like I'm doing something wrong or there is something that I don't understand.

The idea is that since we can control the referer parameter, we can split the request into 2 and have the server sends us another response (This could later on be used to trick victims into caching our 2nd response with the expires parameter).

The thing is: I am not seeing anything. On the browser or on Burp suite.

I am trying the following payload (By intercepting the POST request after clicking "Search!" and replacing the sent string inside the html form box with the following):


On Burpsuite I see the 302 and the following 200 with the payload appearing at the end of the path and that's it. Supposedly based on what I am reading on the solution tab, I should be redirected to a site with the html I injected.

Any idea what I might be doing wrong or what's happening?