PKCE explanation: OAuth Flow example: My question is more specifically: Is there any reason to **require** `state` if PKCE is implemented? `state` stops [CSRF]( attacks by having the app server verify the state it gave the client is the same as the state the client gives it (after making the first OAuth request) 1. App Server generates random `state` for *each unique client* & gives to client 2. Client sends `state` to Auth Server, Auth Server returns with state & code 3. Client sends `state` and code to App Server 4. App Server ensures `state` in step 1 == `state` in step 2 However if you did this with CSRF: 1. App Server generates random `code_challenge` for *each unique client* & gives it to the client (we can ignore the optional hashing for now) 2. Client gives `code_challenge` to the Auth Server, Auth Server returns with code 3. Client sends code to App Server 4. App Server sends code & `code_challenge` in step 1 to Auth Server who verifies that `code_challenge` in step 1 == `code_challenge` in step 2 It seems like the exact same flow, except you have to store the `code_challenge` on your server instead of `state` being stored in either your server or the client's cookies and the end check is done by the Auth Server instead of the App Server.