There are two aspects to this. The first, as you mention, is preventing brute-force attacks. For this purpose, really any number of tries should do - 3, 5, 20, 2000... with a proper password policy (length+complexity+...) giving a large enough keyspace, *any* kind of throttling (X number of tries per hour) will ensure that bruteforcing the entire space would take quite a few decades. (Do the math). Even if - and this should be a requirement - the lockout is only temporary, and after a short period of time it automatically unlocks. Thus, the number of tries-before-lockout is arbitrary. However, there is another, more subtle, non-mathematic issue at play here: > It simply does not make sense for a single user to repeatedly put in a wrong password 2000 times in a row. That is, if you arbitrarily choose 2000, you know **long** before then that this is NOT a legitimate user. Thus, it really comes down to what makes business sense, and a business-focused risk-analysis tradeoff. I think historically, the tradeoff was more slanted towards the risk side - since passwords were shorter and less complex, the difference of 3 or 10 was larger. Also, people had *fewer* passwords, so they were easier to remember... And, users were more technically savvy in general. Nowadays, 3 really doesnt make sense, considering business impact. It's really a question of what makes sense for *your* app, what types of users, how often they login, etc. I usually recommend to figure out how many failed, legitimate attempts are likely, then double it. (Btw, as @realworldcoder mentioned, PCI artbitrarily chose 6, and if you are subject to PCI you dont have much decision here. But otherwise, choose a number that makes sense for you.)