Absolutely not. Password reuse is already a problem now. What you are doing is actually enforcing password reuse. If your website could become successful enough, someone else will learn. At one point your roommate could build a website targeted you that also use this mechanism as you believed, but it actually passes what is transfered to their server to the roommate's computer, and then the original service. Needless to say logging in using IP alone isn't secure. But you don't seem to understand this. Say you are working in a secret nuclear project, and no employee there would leak any of the informations. Does that mean you could easily tell everything to a coworker's girlfriend? Say you are running a bank. What happens if a parent sues you because their child steal their money (colluded or not)? And logging in using face recognition alone isn't secure. Combining two insecure mechanisms could hardly get you a secure one. I guess you can use face recognition in addition to passwords to improve the "security" in some special cases such as, you want to disallow users to resell their accounts to someone else, or want to make sure every user knows they are not accidentally using the wrong account for some reason.