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Specific to the security of passwords: hashing, entropy, cracking, resets, lockouts, etc.

2 votes

Asymmetric encryption of user's data

Not sure the issue with this will be the crypto. All of that seems fine. Transporting the password for a user in plaintext over the internet feels weird. But there's no reason a hashed password cou …
foreverska's user avatar
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2 votes

Voice input as security measures for system authentication

The term you might be looking for is Voiceprint. Is it secure when done using a single saved recording? No, for reasons mentioned in the comments. Does it approach secure when one instead trains an …
foreverska's user avatar
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2 votes

Why does having default router credentials pose a risk?

If an attacker gets access to a computer on the network (malware, remote code execution, uninformed user giving remote access, etc) getting access to the router may be the next step in escalation. For …
foreverska's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a way to store a verification-hash of a secret on a 'consumer HSM' like Yubikey or ...

Serious answer: Yubikey supports OpenPGP which supports asymmetric encryption. Standard answer here is to encrypt the database with a symmetric key and then encrypt the symmetric key with asymmetric …
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-1 votes

Is a sha256 hash of a unix timestamp a strong password

There's a lot of moaning about how you're deriving your password. It is a little suspect but answers assume an informed attacker. Depending on the value of the thing being protected, it's likely fin …
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