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The attribute of a system that prevents the release of data to unauthorized individuals. The ability or expectation of an individual or group to reveal information about themselves selectively or not at all.

1 vote

Is the most (theoretically-) secure OS/distro something minimalistic like Gentoo or somethin...

While you may be able to more finely tune a Gentoo, Yocto or Buildroot, maybe even to a higher standard of security than Qubes. If one fails to keep up with these mitigations, an updated Qubes will …
foreverska's user avatar
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0 votes

Asymmetric Encryption on User Data to Allow Unauthenticated Input

Yes, if you encrypt data with the user's public key, only someone with the private key will be able to decrypt it. Taking from the playbook of the Noise protocol, it seems to recommend mixing the publ …
foreverska's user avatar
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2 votes

Can Windows invade my privacy by accessing files from my Linux OS?

It is not impossible for Microsoft to see files on another partition. If found it would be a PR nightmare, hopefully that's enough to stop them from doing it. not probable, just possible Just about …
foreverska's user avatar
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2 votes

Prevent device from seeing WiFi networks for geolocation

Walking around with a 2.4/5 Ghz jammer is very illegal and potentially disruptive to other lawful unlicensed operation in the band, licensed operation in the neighboring bands as well as neighboring p …
foreverska's user avatar
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3 votes

Do car Bluetooth FM transmitters allow others to eavesdrop on the hands-free phone calls tha...

Yes and Yes. Try it out! Grab a handheld FM radio (these still exists I'm sure) and walk around the car seeing just how far the transmission can be heard from. Now, FM is a licensed and presumably st …
foreverska's user avatar
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2 votes

Possible rogue admin monitoring my online activities

Incredibly unlikely. For the average part-time actor, they might have been doing ARP spoofing or something akin. That would allow them to see DNS requests (what someone visits) and any unencrypted …
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