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Non-repudiation is the ability to prevent an identified individual from repudiating a specific action or communication associated with that individual.

0 votes

How to check the authenticity of an outlook email attachment (.msg)?

The authenticity of the mail can only be checked if the email was somehow signed (PGP, S/MIME) and it can be made sure that only the sender of the original mail had access to the signing key.
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
2 votes

Verifiable alternative to screenshots for web browsers

Such tools would not be able to run on a client since a common client (PC, phone) is not sufficiently trusted for this - the (potentially cheating) user has too much control of the device. It might be …
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
28 votes

Why does HTTPS not support non-repudiation?

I thought HTTPS would prove that a given content actually came from the origin, by having its contents always signed before transfer. Since "content" is sent in both directions, providing non-repudi …
guntbert's user avatar
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