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Homomorphic encryption is form of encryption which allows mathematical operations to be carried out on an encrypted message, using only the ciphertext. Cryptography.SE may be more suitable for some questions on this topic.

31 votes

Describe an example of indistinguishability obfuscation or functional encryption

The article actually describes two constructions, the second one using the first one as a building tool. The first construction provides indistinguishability obfuscation while the second one is functi …
Tom Leek's user avatar
  • 174k
2 votes

Is it possible to respect a user's privacy while collecting phone MAC addresses?

Cryptography is rarely the right tool for privacy issues. Here, the trash bins are listening for the broadcast of MAC addresses by WiFi enabled devices, in particular phones. The tracking part is made …
Tom Leek's user avatar
  • 174k