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Burp's collaborator v. private collaborator for bug bounty hunting

I recommend using a private Collaborator server, just because some WAFs block public Collaborator, causing you to miss stuff. It's also not particularly onerous to operate one yourself, and the ...
paj28's user avatar
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Burp's collaborator v. private collaborator for bug bounty hunting

Most pentesting companies specify in their contract with the customer that they won't share any details about the pentest with other parties. If a customer hires a pentesting company, they don't want ...
Sjoerd's user avatar
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2 votes

export burp certificate to wireshark for inspection

Don't import the certificate as RSA key, but configure it under Protocols > TLS > RSA keys list. Wrong: Right: Furthermore, this only works when the connection uses RSA without forward secrecy....
Sjoerd's user avatar
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Which tool to use to automate REST API pentest

For ZAP you can either use the API packaged scan (which runs in Docker & has a GitHub action) or a custom Automation Framework plan https://www....
Simon Bennetts's user avatar
1 vote

Edge browser + Docker: proxy settings for Burp Suite

Typically these days with burp, I use the in-built browser, whcih avoids any problems with windows settings, and failing that I'd use firefox which has it's own proxy settings apart from the system. ...
Rory McCune's user avatar
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Portswigger SSRF basic lab question

As brynk mentioned in the comments, I checked in the dev tools and saw that indeed it is the client that makes the request, since when you press the check stock button, the js code in the webpage ...
PurpleHacker's user avatar
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How to Capture Mobile API Requests in burp when Server side pinning is implemented

An option that might work here: Stop the client request that contains the CSR. Generate your own key pair and CSR, with a private key that you know (lots of tools for this, e.g. openssl). Edit the ...
CBHacking's user avatar
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How to Capture Mobile API Requests in burp when Server side pinning is implemented

You need the client's private key too (not just the certificate, which contains the client's public key). You'll probably need some amount of client-side instrumentation (e.g., using Frida) to obtain ...
Sean Pesce's user avatar
1 vote

Issue uploading a file with cURL to WebSecurityAcademy Lab on

To troubleshoot the 403 error during file upload with cURL, you can try: Check CSRF Token: The csrf token in your script might be outdated. Make sure you use a fresh token from a recent request. ...
suchislife's user avatar
1 vote

Meaning of the custom http headers in burpsuite academy

what is really going on Some web server infrastructure will either add or re-write URLs and/or headers at various steps. For example, this is common when routing a request through a reverse proxy (e....
CBHacking's user avatar
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