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183 votes

Is HostGator storing my password in plaintext?

Yep, that's a big problem, especially if that was your old password (i.e. not a newly assigned one). Technically, the password might be stored under reversible encryption rather than plain text, but ...
CBHacking's user avatar
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127 votes

Can I conceal which account in my database is the admin account, so an attacker won't know which hash to crack first?

I would say this is a bit too much trouble considering what you get out of it. I think when the attacker has access to the database you have way bigger problems. Obfuscating the admin status of a user ...
Black Magic's user avatar
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122 votes

Is it safe/wise to store a salt in the same field as the hashed password?

You should store it in a single field. Do not try to divide it into parts. I know this might seem a bit unintuitive for people coming from a database background, where the modus operandi is to ...
Anders's user avatar
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107 votes

Why is credit card information not stolen more often?

PCI DSS The major reason for this is a decade long effort by the payment cards industry to limit the extent of such breaches by requiring everyone who handles payment card data to either (a) conform ...
Peteris's user avatar
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103 votes

Storing weakness level of passwords

Password hashing (with salting and slowness) is designed to make it indistinguishable from just having the hash if a password is weak or strong. Adding an additional indicator about the quality of the ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
97 votes

Is a sha256 hash of a unix timestamp a strong password

... for an entropy of ~330 bits, ... The question is not how strong a password looks like but how strong it actually is. SHA-256 does not add any entropy at all, so it all depends on what the input ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
82 votes

Is HostGator storing my password in plaintext?

Yes, they store passwords in plaintext or equivalent, and definitely transmit them in plain text. This was discovered in 2011. This is confirmed HostGator being listed on Plaintext Offenders, as well ...
forest's user avatar
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67 votes

Why are stored procedures and prepared statements the preferred modern methods for preventing SQL Injection over mysql real escape string() function

The problem of SQL injection is essentially the mixing of logic and data, where what should be data is treated as logic. Prepared statements and parameterized queries actually solve this issue at the ...
multithr3at3d's user avatar
53 votes

Does password-protecting a database living next to the application add any security?

It makes sense to password protect the database if you secure access to the application's config file that holds the plaintext credentials. When you restrict read access to the application's account ...
Stef Heylen's user avatar
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48 votes

Is it safe/wise to store a salt in the same field as the hashed password?

What you're missing is that hashes work on the original data, minus the original string. When you want to validate a string against a hash, you take the supplied string, plus the original hash data (...
Machavity's user avatar
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47 votes

Secure Implementation of Password Database

The current general best practices for authentication are in the NIST SP 800-63-3 Digital Identity Guidelines standards, especially in SP-63B Authentication and Lifecycle Management. These NIST ...
Ghedipunk's user avatar
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46 votes

Is this safe to display MySQL query error in webpage if something went wrong?

End users should never get to see the gory details of your environment. Instead it is more professional to show a generic 'Sorry something went wrong' page. At least visitors can see that you have a ...
Kate's user avatar
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46 votes

Is a sha256 hash of a unix timestamp a strong password

Password complexity is not a matter of having a bunch of random-ish characters. The purpose of password complexity is to make your password harder to guess, not to make your password "look random....
Kevin's user avatar
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35 votes

Is this passwordless system secure?

No, this doesn't seem secure. Collisions Mersenne Twister is a deterministic RNG, so it's not suitable for most cryptographic tasks (although it's usage makes sense, because if it weren't ...
tim's user avatar
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33 votes

Sql database password encryption opinion needed

No, this is not a good idea! As Lukas pointed out in an comment, you want to hash a password, never encrypt it! With your schema, it would be possible to get the plaintext passwords from an database ...
Josef's user avatar
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32 votes

Direct access to databases

Some of the non DBA workers (DEV, Fraud, analysts ... ) in my organization need direct access to databases to write their own queries. ... PCI DSS requirement 8.7 stats "Only database ...
gowenfawr's user avatar
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28 votes

Business founder wants access to database but has no DB skills

He is the Data Owner. Not you. If you get hit by a bus, he will need access. You should absolutely give him access. This request is not a surprise at all. If you built a website for me, I'd ask the ...
schroeder's user avatar
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27 votes

Can I conceal which account in my database is the admin account, so an attacker won't know which hash to crack first?

Security through obfuscation has limited effectiveness at best - to determine if it is suitable, you need to understand what threats you want to counter. If a threat actor can read your database ...
schroeder's user avatar
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27 votes

KeePass security local malware

Yes - if the malware included a keylogger, for example, it could simply read the master password when you typed it in. The only real way to prevent that would be to have KeePass be the only software ...
Matthew's user avatar
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26 votes

Why are stored procedures and prepared statements the preferred modern methods for preventing SQL Injection over mysql real escape string() function

I think the main question here is why string escaping is not as good as the other methods. The answer is that some edge cases allow injections to slip through even though they are escaped. Stack ...
halfer's user avatar
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23 votes

Is deleting files from a database considered a denial of service attack?

Yes, in the sense that anything which "denies service" is a "denial of service". The CIA Triad defines information security as anything which affects Confidentiality, Integrity, or Availability of ...
Mike Ounsworth's user avatar
22 votes

Does password-protecting a database living next to the application add any security?

That is kind of an onion protection (also known as "Layered Security" or "Defense in Depth" as seen, for example, in SANS' "Layered Security: Why It Works" whitepaper). If an attacker can reach the ...
Serge Ballesta's user avatar
22 votes

Storing weakness level of passwords

I am implementing a system where I need to store passwords in a database (hashed and all). My issue is that the business side requires me to not enforce any constraint on them except length (8 ...
Kate's user avatar
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21 votes

What's more vulnerable; the data or the DBMS?

No, a database is not always involved. Let's come up with a random service that happens to be moderately popular. A fairly standard set of components includes: a user-facing client (webpage or app) ...
Marc's user avatar
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18 votes

Would encrypting a database protect against a compromised admin account?

Yes, such a system exists; it's called Application-Level Encryption. Under that system the encryption keys (or at least the Key-Encrypting Key, or KEK) are only available to the application. Data is ...
gowenfawr's user avatar
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17 votes

Is forbiding the ; char enough to prevent SQL injection?

TL;DR No, your friend is not right. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and DROP TABLE aren't the be-all and end-all of SQL risks connected to SQL injection. The very simplest thing I could do with that query is ...
LSerni's user avatar
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16 votes

KeePass security local malware

When your computer is compromised, pretty much any defense on it should be considered broken. Security threat models consider this as an out-of-scope scenario - barring very few exceptions (e.g., the ...
Sas3's user avatar
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15 votes

Why are stored procedures and prepared statements the preferred modern methods for preventing SQL Injection over mysql real escape string() function

While you can stay safe protecting against SQLi escaping user input, it's important to note that it may not always be enough. In this terrible example, quotes are never needed to perform a successful ...
Jefrey Sobreira Santos's user avatar
15 votes

How does Google save our passwords on their server?

Passwords should be stored hashed and salted Because we must assume every database might get breached, plain text passwords should not be stored anywhere. Instead, the password should be hashed, which ...
Esa Jokinen's user avatar
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