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7 votes

Entropy on native memorable password on macosX keychain

Anders Bergh reverse-engineered the OS X Password Assistant and wrote a command-line utility which does the same job. From its source you can find out that all of the password generation is done by a ...
ximaera's user avatar
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6 votes

Export non-extractable private key from Keychain on OS X

I was able to extract non-extractable private key from macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 using this tool chainbreaker. It requires Python2 with hexdump and pycrypto packages. This README file in the tool's ...
Nikita's user avatar
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4 votes

Secure Enclave and keychain security

This depends. If you are using the keychain to store a key which you can retrieve then the security level is not the same. You still have to move that key into memory to use it - all the secure ...
Hector's user avatar
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4 votes

Creating self-signed root CA using MacOS Keychain

It seems to be valid to me. Windows does not complain about the leaf certificate if I install the CA. XCA also confirms the leaf as trusted. Are you using browser that uses its own list of trusted ...
Peter Harmann's user avatar
3 votes

Why does not updating a MacOS keychain password cause applications to become troublesome?

Well, the Keychain on macOS is the place for applications to store sensitive data such as credentials, certificates and the like. For instance, Keychain stores the passwords for all wireless networks ...
0xdead10cc's user avatar
3 votes

Entropy on native memorable password on macosX keychain

Estimating entropy with zxcvbn One reasonable way to estimate an upper bound on the entropy of a password whose generation method you don't know is to feed it to the zxcvbn password strength meter, ...
Luis Casillas's user avatar
3 votes

Why is GPG-agent still caching my passphrase?

Solved the issue. TL:DR GPG Suite was saving the password in macOS Keychain (not GPG Keychain) More information here.
Chris's user avatar
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3 votes

Can OpenSSL verify a public key - intermediate CA certificate chain with a Root CA certificate?

First, the syntax is wrong. It should be: openssl verify -CAfile rootcert.pem publickey_imcert_chain.pem CAfile is rootcert.pem... Next that's definitely not the way openssl verify works. You must ...
Serge Ballesta's user avatar
3 votes

Is it safe to use an encryption library (e.g., RNCryptor) instead of Keychain to store a user account password for an iOS app?

Rule number one with crypto systems is don't re-invent the wheel. Yes, you could implement a secure password store with RNCryptor, but you would need an expert to audit your code to make sure the ...
Dan Landberg's user avatar
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2 votes

what does "no value specified" default to in keychain on osx?

To be fair, I didn't use OS X much lately, but my suspicion is: Yes. Not setting specific values for those usage types that supersede the system default is irrelevant, as the certificate is a CA. ...
Tobi Nary's user avatar
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2 votes

Should a server or a client be able to verify a client/server certificate - intermediate certificate chain with a known root ca?

Not a complete answer (yet?), but: Yes OpenSSL library called (directly or as here via libssl) by a program like FreeRADIUS can verify a received chain; no your commandline openssl verify does not ...
dave_thompson_085's user avatar
2 votes

Hardware-backed Keychain for iOS and Android

Note that the answer from HashHazard is outdated; in the meantime Apple has published an API to store keys in the Secure Enclave:
K. Biermann's user avatar
2 votes

Keychain iOS: info on other users

iOS is a single user operating system (apart from system created users like “root”). So in that sense there can’t be other users. Now if you logged into an app on a server, using your server username ...
gnasher729's user avatar
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1 vote

How can an application, using Apple's Secure Enclave on macOS or TPM on Windows, protect itself from other applications accessing its private keys?

I don't think anyone but an Apple engineer can give an authoritative answer. But this has been bugging me so I went on a reading spree and this is my interpretation based on previous experience with ...
foreverska's user avatar
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Is it safe to use a stateless authorization mechanism where the clear password is stored on the keychain?

Which drawbacks do you see? The drawbacks I see have mainly to do with what is not explicitly stated in the question rather than what is explicitly stated. In general, you have not stated what kind ...
hft's user avatar
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Is it safe to use a stateless authorization mechanism where the clear password is stored on the keychain?

This is a well-asked question, and as the question itself lays out, even experts will have different opinions in the context of absolute/abstract framings of safety. The nuanced reality of course is ...
Jonah Benton's user avatar
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1 vote

What format is an decrypted RSA private key in, specifically in OS X Keychain?

I'm reading between the lines of the chainbreaker docs and your OP (having not tried the tool yet myself), and it seems like the private key should be fully present under "Decrypted Private Key" in ...
qzyphus's user avatar
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1 vote

How to encrypt data using the iOS secure element?

The keychain already uses it. From WWDC 2015: We also moved the KeyStore component from the kernel into Secure Enclave and it's that component which controls the cryptography around Keychain ...
DrDamnit's user avatar
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1 vote

Is a password in keychain more secure than storing password in plaintext?

This is precisely why you shouldn't grant the security program access to your keychain entries. In general, each keychain entry should only be readable (without prompting the user) by the specific ...
Gordon Davisson's user avatar
1 vote

Is a password in keychain more secure than storing password in plaintext?

I don't have any internet passwords stored in my keychain, but running security find-generic-password -w, I get this prompt: Similarly, the first time I use an ssh key, I have to re-enter a password ...
Xiong Chiamiov's user avatar
1 vote

Using a gmail oath2 token to access web email

You cannot use the oath2 token used by applications for login via the web browser
ISMSDEV's user avatar
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Know LastPass fishing apps? Ways to protect?

First installing extension is not a harmless operation. Common usages say: Once you have installed an unwanted software on your computer, it is no longer your computer But the attack should be ...
Serge Ballesta's user avatar
1 vote

Keychain-dumper and Secure Enclave

No, it won't reside on the keystore. The secure enclave and the keystore are two different things: KeyStore, is a secure database, implemented in iOS. It resides in the filesystem. While it is built ...
dzervas's user avatar
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