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5 votes

Best strategy to recover running Macbook "modern" Pro ram

The best strategy depends on what your constraints and goals are. A quick answer... Perhaps an alternative is to powerbutton-off the laptop and then bootup a USB Linux which does not "touch"...
forest's user avatar
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2 votes

Is setting a firmware password on a Macbook enough to prevent cold boot attacks?

My understanding is that the Macbook Pro Retina has had soldered on RAM since 2012 and all other Macbook's since 2016. So quickly removing the RAM is not a likely attack. This would involve ...
Joe M's user avatar
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2 votes

Is setting a firmware password on a Macbook enough to prevent cold boot attacks?

From wikipedia Alternatively, the memory modules are removed from the original system and quickly placed in a compatible machine under the attacker's control, which is then booted to access the ...
vakus's user avatar
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1 vote

Interpreting this F-Secure Video of a DMA-Attack

What is happening at the 50-second mark? Looks like a JTAG-probe or similar, possibly to reset firmware passwords. Why does he insert the USB boot-device before doing whatever he does next? Was ...
vidarlo's user avatar
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