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51 votes

I feel like it's impossible to learn reverse engineering

So let me preface this with "I'm not implying you're a child" Often when I teach kids about CIS and they hear what I do for a living, the first question is "How do I hack?" I'll tell you the same ...
DotNetRussell's user avatar
42 votes

How does shellcode really run?

TL;DR This is a way to execute shellcode which no longer works. What is a function? Shellcode is just machine code in places where it is not normally found, such as a variable of type char. In C, ...
forest's user avatar
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21 votes

Why does my x86 shellcode test program segfault?

I see multiple problems with your shellcode. First of all let's debug your code. I compiled the C code containing your shellcode, run it with gdb and step until the first system call (int 0x80) [-----...
Mr. E's user avatar
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13 votes

What is the difference between a payload and shellcode?

When exploiting an application, the payload is the code that the attacker actually wants to execute. It's the part that not just serves the purpose of leveraging the vulnerability itself, but does ...
Arminius's user avatar
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12 votes

I feel like it's impossible to learn reverse engineering

Reverse engineering is fun. I use IDA once every other week, so I am not an expert in the field but do it often enough. If you want to understand reverse engineering you need to know how to engineer ...
Joe M's user avatar
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10 votes

What does the NSA's Recently Leaked "The Equation Group" Files do?

There's been four top-notch analyses so far regarding incident with the free files (40 percent of what is claimed to be released). Nobody has the password to the auction files yet, which represent ...
atdre's user avatar
  • 19.1k
7 votes

Difference between Code Injection, Command Injection and Remote Code Execution

Hmm let me try: Code injection consists of modifying an executable / compilation unit / script so that it contains malicious code on top of it´s intended functions. Code can be injected locally into ...
flohack's user avatar
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7 votes

Is it possible to execute a local file or code from cURL?

Not sure if this is against the spirit of what you are asking but you can pipe the output of a shell script to bash. e.g. curl "file:///root/" | bash Also take a look at a list of known curl ...
DarkMatter's user avatar
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6 votes

Serving a php webshell without running it locally

Use the following setting in your apache config or in a .htaccess file: php_flag engine off See also Disable PHP in directory (including all sub-directories) with .htaccess.
Sjoerd's user avatar
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6 votes

Why would legitimate programs have a `jmp esp` instruction?

The instruction jmp esp is encoded as FF E4. It’s not necessary to find an actual jmp instruction, just those bytes in the middle of any other code or data. This is the basis for return oriented ...
David's user avatar
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5 votes

Do NOP sleds expose shellcode?

IDSs will look for nop sleds, but they can also be masked. Consider that any instruction that is: Valid and executable Will continue execution somewhere in the nop sled between itself and the ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 118
5 votes

Buffer overflow - Print "hello world"

If you want to get shellcode quick and dirty, use msfvenom. If you want to learn something and become a wizard, I suggest the following: 1. Write a small assembler program for your platform. You ...
AdHominem's user avatar
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5 votes

Does it matter in which programming language you write the shellcode?

The term "shellcode" comes from the fact that it is typically used to gain shell access on the machine. In most cases, shellcode is used when there is a memory corruption-based vulnerability (e.g. ...
multithr3at3d's user avatar
5 votes

Generating unicode javascript shellcode

As hinted at in the comment above, you want to use msfvenom to generate your payload. Start by finding which payload works best for you by using: msfvenom -l payloads This will show you a list of ...
DotNetRussell's user avatar
5 votes

A process called ./watchbog is mining crypto currency in our server. How do I stop it?

From my point of view, there is no way to tell if the rest of the server is safe or not. If I were you, I'd handpick files to save and recreate a fresh server to ensure that it isn't compromised. ...
Thryn's user avatar
  • 301
5 votes

Replace forbidden characters function check python

$(whoami) should bypass the filter and executes whoami.
Benoit Esnard's user avatar
5 votes

Find Buffer Overflows at a target you want to gain access

As schroeder has already pointed out, to identify buffer overflow vulnerabilities, you'd need to test the application locally with a debugger. It seems to me that you haven't actually gone through the ...
Soutzikevich's user avatar
4 votes

What lies behind this complicated shellcode on linux?

If you have tried shellcode before which relies on absolute addresses, then that could explain the crashes. This shellcode survives because it uses call to obtain the absolute stack pointer address ...
Lekensteyn's user avatar
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4 votes

Mov byte to addres inside a register

rdi points to rri_shellcode+1. This is located in the .text segment which is not writable by default, thus causing the segmentation fault. You can link it using the ld -N option if you really need ....
rhodeo's user avatar
  • 544
4 votes

Reverse Bash Shell one liner

Can someone please explain to me the significance of the number "196"? 196 is a randomly chosen number for a file descriptor that you're opening for reading from and writing to via exec. You can ...
Arminius's user avatar
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4 votes

Shellcode parameter passing

Not every character in your payload can be sent through the argv of your binary. There are some "bad characters" which you can't have in your shellcode. An example is "\x00" as you're using strcpy to ...
sudhackar's user avatar
  • 248
4 votes

What is the difference between a payload and shellcode?

Exploit - An exploit is the means by which an attacker, or penetration tester for that matter, takes advantage of a vulnerability within a system, an application, or a service. An attacker uses an ...
codeye's user avatar
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4 votes

Executing a msfvenom shellcode in C program

As was mentioned in the comments, you have a couple of different problems: You're using 32-bit shellcode in a 64-bit binary. This will have problems because it is likely to refer to the stack ...
David's user avatar
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4 votes

Linux Kernel ROP - Returning to userland from kernel context?

I ended up writing my shellcode in a different way. As I could not figure out how to return, I let the kernel do the heavy lifting for me, in returning to userland. The idea was to execute my ...
Mukesh Sai Kumar's user avatar
4 votes

Is it possible to "encode" a bash sentence?

I don't know what that chain of characters is, but it's clearly not a shell command. What's happening is that bash is trying to interpret and act on various shell metacharacters in the string, but ...
Gordon Davisson's user avatar
4 votes

I feel like it's impossible to learn reverse engineering

Stop wasting your time with books and videos. Get some program you want to reverse (like a game you want to hack), get your tools for static/dynamic analysis (cheat engine is great for starting if you'...
Icaro10100's user avatar
4 votes

Privilege Escalation: C functions setuid(0) with system() not working in Linux

./pingSys; /bin/sh The semicolon will be interpreted as a command delimiter by the current shell. This means it will first execute ./pingSys in the current shell and then /bin/sh ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
4 votes

Privilege Escalation: C functions setuid(0) with system() not working in Linux

So, because you haven't quoted the parameter, you are passing two separate commands to your non-elevated shell. One of them runs as root, and calls ping. The other runs as user and spawns a sub-shell. ...
CBHacking's user avatar
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4 votes

Basic questions about shellcode

Yes, they are the same thing. To be more technical, the hex code at the top is "machine code" and what you see at the bottom is a human-readable representation of the machine code which you know to ...
chillsauce's user avatar

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