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Thomas Carlisle's user avatar
Thomas Carlisle's user avatar
Thomas Carlisle
  • Member for 8 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
26 votes

Is a Windows installer that doesn't require admin rights dangerous?

11 votes

Can my employer see what I do on the internet when I am connected to the company network?

3 votes

Possible security vulnerability?

3 votes

What danger can brief LAN access to my router cause?

2 votes

How to whitelist an IP, but prevent others from DoS attacks

2 votes

Does using VPN improve security when connecting to a HTTP website?

2 votes

Email sender appears to know friend's name?

2 votes

How could a website trigger a Windows pop up notification?

2 votes

Self-Coded User Authentication Security

1 vote

Should Risk Impact (not likelihood or overall risk) be quantified by the initial impact, or should you quantify by eventual (potential) impact

1 vote

Calculating Business Impact of Technical Vulnerability Issues

1 vote

Comparing Site to Site VPN with DMZ

1 vote

Is hacking back a valid security technique for companies?

1 vote

How can I prove that my software is secure for those who are interested to install it?

1 vote

How can I argue against: "System is unhackable so why patch vulnerabilities?"

1 vote

Might have been infected

1 vote

Why is SQL considered to be a session layer "protocol"?

1 vote

Possible to receive welcome emails without visiting website?

1 vote

What can an Android app without added permissions do?

1 vote

How could I be sure that the network cable is safe to use?

1 vote

Should we use Microsoft security or defender for securing our WAN network

1 vote

What antivirus/internet security software now Kaspersky is off-limits?

1 vote

cyberattack by password guessing admin account logon type 3

1 vote

Force a device to give up its IP address?

0 votes

What is the difference between patch management and vulnerability management?

0 votes

How to be less identifiable from an email address?

0 votes

If I use an AWS machine to connect to "Website ABC" through VPN, will "Website ABC" know I'm connecting from an AWS machine?

0 votes

VPN to protect traffic from one server to a remote site

0 votes

If you accidentally install a malicious OS disk image in a VM, can it cause any harm?

0 votes

Is running "apt-get upgrade" every so often enough to keep a Web-server secure?