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Marc Ruef's user avatar
Marc Ruef's user avatar
Marc Ruef
  • Member for 8 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
13 votes

List of visually similar characters, for detecting spoofing and social engineering attacks

11 votes

How to convert risk scores (CVSSv1, CVSSv2, CVSSv3, OWASP Risk Severity)?

6 votes

Why would malware deactivate itself?

6 votes

Is it safe to manually patch bugs on an outdated operating system such as Ubuntu 10.04?

5 votes

How to detect suspicious content in a TrueType Font (.ttf) font file

4 votes

How to handle media files from untrusted sources?

4 votes

Why don't the majority of today's malware use strong cryptography?

4 votes

Can headphones transmit malware?

3 votes

"Segmented" malware

2 votes

Additional confirmation for online bank payments

2 votes

Is an application backend expected to potentially log sensitive customer data when in debug mode?

2 votes

What are attack vectors for attacking tethering smartphones?

2 votes

Is rowhammer comparable to faults caused by radiation?

2 votes

Preventing a site from appearing in the 'Most Visited' or 'speed dial' section of a web browser

2 votes

Why are the CVSS scores differ so much between Redhat and NVD page?

1 vote

What information is collected because of signing into Windows 10 with a Microsoft account?

1 vote

Is it true that the older the files are, the more likely it is they are clean if new scanners won't detect anything?

1 vote

Is there any way to get infected by opening an email i.e., if an image is attached to the email?

1 vote

How does one scan a MySQL database for malware?

1 vote

Prevent a page from appearing in browser's history

1 vote

Can you tell if an attack is successful by looking at IPS logs?

1 vote

What to do after exposure to a drive-by infection?

1 vote

What is the best way to explain (a non-technical person) the risk of leaking version information?

1 vote

Does HTTPS protocol leak HTTP body length?

1 vote

How to discover technologies?

1 vote

Sending password reset links in email

1 vote

Are There Any Measurements for Web-Application Complexity That Positively Correlates to Num. Vulnerabilities?

1 vote

How to scan large .bin files for malware?

1 vote

Detecting Malcode in Excel and Word Documents

1 vote

Why are low-entropy passwords considered OK in many cases?