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Stephen Touset's user avatar
Stephen Touset
  • Member for 12 years
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • GitHub
  • San Francisco, CA, United States
25 votes

Perfectly Robust Hashing Scheme, or Completely Over-Engineered?

21 votes

Is encrypting SALT with given user's password more secure?

20 votes

Can I avoid DNS spoofing by typing the IP address?

19 votes

Why does OpenSSL not include AES-256-GCM?

17 votes

When encrypting cloud-stored data, is it acceptable to use the user's account password?

15 votes

Should the average user care about DNS security?

14 votes

Not storing the salt? Is that an option?

14 votes

I need a good cryptography algorithm that can be encoded and decoded

12 votes

How is HTTP PUT and DELETE methods insecure, if they really are?

12 votes

Can using emojis make someone's password safer?

12 votes

Which passwords to exclude from a password manager?

11 votes

Is "password knocking" a good idea?

11 votes

Is salted MD5 or salted SHA considered secure?

11 votes

What happened to MD6?

11 votes

Why are KDFs slow? Is using a KDF more secure than using the original secret?

9 votes

Why improvising your own Hash function out of existing hash functions is so bad

8 votes

How secure is MD5 for TLS message authentiaction?

8 votes

Is it possible to run out Public-Key servers' storage by sending them countless valid Public-Keys?

7 votes

Why can passwords be used to encrypt data, but are less strong for authentication?

7 votes

Can the human brain generate cryptographically secure random numbers?

7 votes

Are RSA 2048, ECDSA, and the SHA uncrackable in the sense that AES-256 is uncrackable?

7 votes

A customers site had a big mysql injection attack on it, just want to learn from it

7 votes

Client side password hashing

6 votes

How much added security do I really get with a longer key size?

6 votes

At what point does adding more iterations to PBKDF2 provide no extra security?

6 votes

Is there any reason for using private key 2 times when creating security hash?

6 votes

How to reduce trouble in case I lose access to my password manager?

6 votes

For chip credit cards, what's preventing me from breaking the chip to trigger the magstripe failsafe?

5 votes

Why isn't there a Global Root for SSL?

5 votes

AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?