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d1str0's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
47 votes

Should I allow browsers to remember my passwords and synchronize them?

34 votes

Is it possible to modify your user agent http header for malicious use?

33 votes

Does username length/complexity/uniqueness positively impact security?

21 votes

Can I use SHA-512 hash as AES key?

19 votes

What prevents me from buying a SSL certificate for a domain I don't control?

9 votes

Should I use CSRF protection for GET requests?

7 votes

Why would an encrypted file be ~35% larger than an unencrypted one?

7 votes

How does Tor network handle individual sessions?

6 votes

Relative merits and risks of encryption and OS security

6 votes

How do I verify HTTPS connections in Mobile apps?

6 votes

Is it safe to leave Keepass always opened on a computer?

3 votes

Intercept HTTPS traffic.. with a cert

3 votes

Does SSL certification have anything to do with the website legitimacy?

3 votes

Connecting to a compromised server

3 votes

How and what is used when information is sent to a hacker's server?

3 votes

Does all asymmetric encryption schemes rely on a third party?

2 votes

How do I store other people's ssh keys securely?

2 votes

What would be the best course of action if you accidentally paste sensitive information into a medium you don't control?

2 votes

How to make a good choice between Symmetric and Asymmetric

2 votes

Sniff network packets that don't talk to my computer?

2 votes

Can I dis-identify myself if I use VPN on sites?

2 votes

Client-side BCrypt, store salt and hash separately in MySQL database

2 votes

When should I renew certification authority?

2 votes

Does the glibc getaddrinfo vulnerability affect Windows systems?

2 votes

Why do websites use less effective hash functions?

1 vote

How Do AVs differentiate between normal cryptographic modules and viruses crypters

1 vote

How can I ensure that only the message I sent, and nothing else reaches the receiver?

1 vote

Why can't the FBI read the key embedded in the iPhone's secure chip/ROM directly from hardware (silicon)?

1 vote

Started seeing jQuery function calls in URL requests, what is this?

1 vote

What are the security implications of installing an iPhone configuration profile?