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PulpSpy's user avatar
PulpSpy's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 10 years ago
30 votes

If someone breaks encryption, how do they know they're successful?

20 votes

Why triple DES used in EDE mode?

19 votes

The AES Crypt implementation hashes a password 8192 times to generate the key. Is this necessary?

13 votes

Is visiting HTTPS websites on a public hotspot secure?

13 votes

Is posting from HTTP to HTTPS a bad practice?

11 votes

How does RSA encryption compare to PGP?

11 votes

What type of cipher is RSA?

11 votes

Secure Internet Polling

9 votes

For users that does not use PGP, what would be the other channel to securely send them a document?

8 votes

zero knowledge proof and its protocol

8 votes

What's a good way to trigger a hidden 'distress signal' in instant messaging?

6 votes

What are the realistic, and most secure crypto for Symmetric, Asymmetric, Hash, Message Authentication Code ciphers?

6 votes

Why does Bouncy Castle have a separate download for the IDEA algorithm?

5 votes

Best Security Conferences?

4 votes

Identity-Based Encryption - how secure is it?

4 votes

How should passwords be stored if they must be recoverable?

4 votes

Do secure phone lines exist?

2 votes

Ranking of web security conferences

2 votes

What is the correct way to assess and compare Certicom's products to the alternatives?

1 vote

Encrypting data by parts vs encrypting the whole data

0 votes

Possible to use CAPICOM to extract current SSL certificate?