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David Stratton's user avatar
David Stratton
  • Member for 12 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
25 votes

Can law enforcement track a criminal through dynamic IP address?

23 votes

How do I know a piece of software only does what the author claims?

17 votes

Is there a true alternative to using CAPTCHA images?

16 votes

Hacking computers, scifi or reality

9 votes

Prevent cross domain form submission with nonce?

7 votes

Is there any sense in using two-step authentication for personal email address?

5 votes

Why do some antivirus programs find infections that others miss?

5 votes

Should sensitive data ever be passed in the query string?

4 votes

How Involved Should a Developer Be in Designing a Security Policy?

4 votes

CSRF Countermeasures

4 votes

Bad transactions in an e-commerce system?

4 votes

Defense in depth vs low complexity - Balancing point?

4 votes

Can change management for PCI compliance be accomplished via simple emails?

3 votes

Setting up ASP.NET web application on internet for first time; Are these security measures enough?

3 votes

Proving running code on a website is unchanged

2 votes

How unlikely is it that a Google Doc link is guessed?

2 votes

CMS security issues

2 votes

What should I have prepared for a PCI compliance onsite assessment?

2 votes

Windows App Store security

2 votes

Organization like OWASP for network security?

2 votes

File upload vulnerability

1 vote

Does a binary executable have to have some critical plain-text components?

1 vote

Are image uploads also vulnerable to sql injection?

1 vote

Is it necessary to setup a firewall in both PC and router?

1 vote

How do you build a secure web application that is also COPPA compliant?