Am using gpg4win kleopatra for encrypting files. After bootup when I try to decrpytdecrypt a previously encrypted file. It, it asks for passpharsea passphrase as expected. But after sometimesome time, if again I try decrpytingdecrypting a file it doesn't ask for passpharepassphrase and directly decrpytsdecrypts it. I don't what the gpg agent to remember my passpharsepassphrase.
How to change this setting ?
What I tried:- I checked the following check-boxes boxes:-
- Do not use pin caching while signing
- Disallow the use of external password cache.
Even after selecting the above checkboxes it asked for passphrase once. But immediately after that, it decrypted without prompting for a passphrase.
I checked the existing post link below, but that explains only for Linux. Doesn't talk about windowsthe Windows gpg agent.