My Internet service provider includes Usenet servers with about about 45 days of retention. I'm planning to backup my most important files on there.
I have a 50Mb/s symmetrical fiber connection to the internet, however all the Internet service provider's own services have a different limit of 500Mb/s symmetrical. This includes the Usenet servers (upload test showed an average speed of 39MB/s, limited by hard drive speed).
I want to backup my pictures and some important documents, however simply uploading them there would make them available for the world to see. So first I tar them.
tar -cf $_file -P /user/pictures /user/importantFiles /user/log/
Then I generated a 4096 bit RSA keypair. I imported the public key into GnuPG on my file server.
Now I'm planning on encrypting it with GnuPG and AES 256 bit.
gpg --output $_file.enc --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 test.out -r [8NumberIDHere]
then I delete the original file.
rm -f $_file
After which I start the upload to my Internet service provider's Usenet server.
I'm planning on doing this once a week while keep I keep using the same public key. The total file size we're talking about after taring is about 15GB.
Yes, I asked my Internet service provider, and they told me they have no problem with me using it as a ~45 days backup location.
Am I doing everything correctly? How secure will the uploaded files be? Am I overlooking something?