I see that the term "decoy-server" is often used but I am not able to find a more formal definition for it. Can someone help?
E.g https://scholar.google.com.sg/scholar?hl=en&q=%22decoy+server%22&btnG=&as_sdt=1%2C5&as_sdtp=
I see that the term "decoy-server" is often used but I am not able to find a more formal definition for it. Can someone help?
E.g https://scholar.google.com.sg/scholar?hl=en&q=%22decoy+server%22&btnG=&as_sdt=1%2C5&as_sdtp=
Honey-pot. Attractive nuisance server that can be used to monitor attacks.
And a decoy/honeypot is a public server if it's accessible by the public as opposed to being an internal tool in an IPS (Intrusion Prevention System).
All servers accessible by the public are public servers, not all decoy servers are accessible by the public.