using MITMf I'm getting inconsistent results, sometimes it just works, other times it just doesn't... I'm wondering is it like that for others or am I doing something wrong?
the command I'm using just for arp spoofing no injecting or anything is:
python --log-level debug -i wlan0 --spoof --arp --gateway --targets
It will often get stuck after printing
Http server online
DNSChef v0.4 online
SMB server online
It just stays there and nothing happens. Then I'll run the same command again and it seems to work, what changed?
also sometimes on the victim browser, it takes a long time to load a page, or it won't load at all but when it freezes on attack computer, on victim computer the pages load fast again... When it's working I usually have to refresh the page on the victim computer a few times..
on attacker computer I get
[ServerConnectionFactory] Server connection failed.
[ServerConnectionFactory] Retrying via SSL
[ServerConnectionFactory] Server connection failed.
but it starts working again..
Is this normal or something wrong?