I have the idea of deploying a product using a Raspberry Pi alike (CHIP) however I am concerned of the security issues getting a wireless device into people's homes
The device will be:
- Using all the default passwords and settings (debian)
- Most likely powered 24/7 or during long periods of times
- A portion of the users will connect it to the internet (wireless network) to get updates, the rest won't, however the wireless interface will keep ON
- The device won't do any critical task as opening your garage, it will be more like a game
So far I have came up with this security issues:
If the device is in the wireless network
- Anyone already in the network will be able to install anything (sniffers, etc..) but they are already in your network, so you should trust them right?
If the device is not in the wireless network
- None
How dangerous is to have an unattended wireless device like this connected to your network, or in your wireless range?