I'm using the Amazon marketplace Kali and I'm trying to test CVE-2017-0199 to see if my proxy settings to block application/hta content are working.
There is a module in metasploit that allows me to test this.
exploits/windows/fileformat/office_word_hta (or something like that)
However i need to set the reverse shell LHOST = External IP, for the payload to do a reverse callback to the kali box. At the moment it will only allow me to set the LHOST = internal IP (172.X.X.X).
Everytime i try to set the LHOST = external IP or domain name pointing to the external IP i get bind error and it wont let me. I am also running metasploit as root. There are no apache2 instances running on it.
I am owner of both the AWS instance and the endpoint i am testing on.
Is this an amazon restriction? Can anyone advise on this please?
Without me being able to set the payload to my external AWS IP, the payload will never call back to the AWS metasploit listener..