Chrome has default protection against Reflective XSS attacks. This is not a flaw that sandboxing can address. This protection system works by looking outgoing requests for javascript and preventing that javascript from being executed in the http response. No browser will prevent DOM Based XSS or Stored XSS.
Chrome's protection is the weakest when compared to the others. IE's xss filter isn't very good, but slightly better than Chrome's. From my research I think the NoScript is by far the best. I have bypassed NoScript's XSS filter by exploiting content insensitivity, and they fixed the issue quickly. Chrome and IE still suffer from content insensitivity attacks.
Microsoft says that content insensitivity attacks against IE are "not a vulnerability" and they will never fix these issues. Chrome has had a bug report open for this issue and I haven't seen activity for about 6 months. So chrome might fix it eventually, maybe. Which to be honest both of these are horrible vendor responses. In general I find that NoScript and Mozilla have the strongest responses to vulnerabilities in their software and as a security researcher they are a joy to work with!