currently I'm preparing for OSCP and right know I'm working on reverse shells. Using msfconsole it's not problem to get a meterpreter-session, however meterpreter is not allowed during the exam so I want to go the "manual" way.
With msfvenom I create a payload for my victim windows 7 machine, I open a netcat listener on the correct port, download and execute the malicous exe file from the victim machine, and a connection will be established. But, when I type a command, the connection closes. In the screenshot you see what I'm talking about:
What am I doing wrong? As I said, using the exact same msfvenom command (just with windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp instead of windows/shell/reverse_tcp) and msfconsole's multihandler everything works fine. So problems with the clients port (firewall rules for example) can be eliminated. Maybe I use a wrong payload...?