The intention behind this is that I'll be able to host a website from a home server (another pc with ECC ram etc.), but what worries me is that the network I'm using is also the same network which I use in my normal daily activities (my home network).
Before sending a request to my housing company to open those ports I want to make sure that it really is safe to open those ports as I do not have access to the "sharing center" nor its infrastructure (I do not know the correct term in English but it's the place where the internet is distributed(?) between tenants), although I do have my own router with its own firewall.
Currently: Sharing center (closed, need to open a few ports) -> router (port forwarded) -> pc (open ports)
On a side note, I suppose you can host multiple different websites under different domains on the same port? (no need for explanation here, I can look that up)