My current assignment is to find a possible SQL injection in a PHP WebApp. While looking at the source code, I noticed that the way the script is handling prepared statments is weird.
$query = db::prepare("SELECT password FROM vault where id=%s", $_POST['id']);
$res = db::commit($query);
The interesting part from the prepare
function looks like this:
// escape
foreach ($args as &$value){
$value = static::$db->real_escape_string($value);
// prepare
$query = str_replace("%s", "'%s'", $query);
$query = vsprintf($query, $args);
return $query;
Now, looking around for ways to bypass this, I noticed that single quotes are escaped, obviously because of the real_escape_string function. Looking around here, I found the following post which states that setting %s in single quotes preemptively looks highly suspect. However, I still haven't found any way how to exploit this, or if it is even exploitable.
Can anyone tell me, if there is anything wrong to escape and process user input like that? I know using the original mysqli/PDO prepared statement functions are a better idea, but given this isn't my code, it would be great to find out what exactly is wrong here and why you shouldn't do it like this.