This is part of a old CTF question which I've had trouble solving. I'm not sure what approach to take.
I'm given a single site:
the flag is in /tmp/flag.txt
Index.php is basically a plain text file with the basic instructions for every question. The first question is to breakout of the webapp environment and get the flag in the tmp folder.
There doesn't see to be any parameter injection I can use as far as I can see. Entering
just gets truncated to
and gives a 404. The only other page is if you enter something non existent under public
http://user:token@host:port/public/foobar.php or http://user:token@host:port/public/foobar
which gives a better formatted 404
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<div class="echo">
<div class="exception">
<div class="info"><h1>页面错误!请稍后再试~</h1></div>
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<a title="官方网站" href="">ThinkPHP</a>
<span>{ 十年磨一剑-为API开发设计的高性能框架 }</span>
I feel like this question should be about path traversal vulnerabilities but I'm quite a beginner and not sure where to start. How should I approach this?
. (Notice the additional/
, I can see in the Firefox dev tools (F12 -> network tab) that it immediately tries to
without ever
from the web server. You can work around this using curl:curl
will actually do the request you ask of it.